looking at your trades (on the first post), em .. does the bot actually take the trading fees into account?
If not, does the bot not actually loose money?
Please don't get me wrong: this is meant as a serious question!
It take the fees in count, I have added more parameters that doesnt allow the bot to loose money.
This should be setting of huge red flags, especially for anyone with experience in markets in general (such as the stock market). There is no such thing as a bot that can't lose money. Unless you're a market maker (i.e. have machines co-located with the exchanges and have large holdings), you're most likely going to lose money. Automated trading fails unless you hold some sort of advantage over the rest of the market (see HFT). There have been many papers on this subject in regards to the behavior of markets, along with several books including multiple examples of companies who found out the hard way that you can indeed lose no matter how good you think your algorithm is.
Every bot is marketed the same way. They promise you profits, show historical runs (which mean exactly nothing), and then say you can't lose. They get a bunch of suckers to buy in, and laugh all the way to the bank.
Bots don't work in commodities. They don't work in bonds. They don't work in stocks. They do one thing really well though; they separate fools from their money.
Of course it's your money, so do whatever you want. But take it from someone who has seen more than one thread on market forums about how effective bots are: CAVEAT EMPTOR.