Hello everyone, i'm Blackjak a new developer here in cryptos and I want to present you my first product, a bot for the site MCXNow.com.
What this bot have of awesome?- The bot is developed in Java, so it can runs over every platform Mac/Linux/Windows with the java libraries installed.
- Its a executable .jar that must be run with parameters in order to work.(All that info will be explained in the readme)
- Its a very unique software, what does it mean? that i'm going to sell only 25 units of it, I don't want to crash the economy of that great exchange of MCXNow with this. Every bot sold will goes with one of the 25 keys, when the user buys a bot he will have to tell me the username of the account that he is going to use.(The .jar file will be encrypted so it can't be unzipped or unjar to distribute or modify the code and it only can be executed with the username that the user choose when he buys the bot)
- The bot can run in a very hostile buying and selling mode or just be like a little tiger waiting and waiting for a good chance to buy..you decide it. If you use a very hostile you can lose money, but only if you release the beast in the wrong time.
- This awesome machine of making money runs over a chrome browser, yes..a browser! which means that you can see it working and if you want to change any configuration you can close it and restart trading again.(You don't need to have installed chrome).
- All the info that you need is in the readme and also i'm going to have a skype account and email for support and only for the lucky 25 owners of the bot.
- The bot can be used on every coin available on MCXNow.com.
- More updates coming..
How does it works?1°.The user set the parameters by running the .jar file with them.
2°.The bot take a decision to buy or not based on the parameters that the user have set. This decision is taken by analyzing the orders history.
3°.The bot wait to the transaction to be completed, meanwhile if the order isn't in the top of the order book the bot can remake it automatically, this make the whole cycle much faster.
4°.After buying the bot tries to make the sell as fast as it can with the minimum profit or try to sell it at a minimum percentage of profit, 1% for example, you decide it. Obviously the first one is faster. Meanwhile if the order isn't in the top of the order book the bot can remake it automatically, this make the whole cycle much faster.
5°.It goes to the 2° step, and the cycle starts again.
Running examplejava -jar bot.jar -u User-Number -p PASSWORD-HERE -c WDC -i 0.001 -buy 0.0001,0.03 -sell 0.0001,0.03 -beast --show-history 15 --show-orders 5 -cycles 2 -percentage 0.25 -gain 0.50
What does any parameter does?
-u: The user number. Every buyer will have one.
-p: The password parameter.
-c: The coin that you want to trade MAX,LTC,WDC, etc..
-i: The investment, this is how much money are you going to start buying. The minimum is 0.001.
-buy: Here goes the buy price range, if the people are buying inside this range the bot is going to make an order. For example 0.0010,0.0020 is 0.0010 the minimum and 0.0020 the maximum.
-sell: Here goes the sell price range, if the people are selling inside this range the bot is going to make an order. For example 0.0011,0.0020 is 0.0011 the minimum and 0.0020 the maximum.
--show-history: How much orders history you want to see in the console.
--show-orders: How much orders buy/sell you want to see in the console.
-t: This is the time parameter, if you set it the bot will run for that amount of minutes.
-cycles: You can use this parameter instead of time, the bot will stop when it reahces the cycles asked, when the bot make a sell and starts buying again its add another cycle, so if you want buy, sell, buy and sell just run the bot with 2 cycles.
-percentage: This is how much it should be the difference beetwen buy and sell prices in %. If its equals or the same as the user asked the bot will tryed to make a buy, its reccomended to use it up 0.25 because the trade fee is 0.25 for a buy or a sell order. So you wont loose money.
-mingain: Here the user can set a min % to win in every cycle of buying/selling, the bot wont sell under this % of profit.
Modes parameters:
-r: This is the “risk” parameter and this have 4 values that is going to be used to analize the order history and take the decision to buy or not.In the first value goes 0 or 1, 0 if you want to use it in default and 1 if you want to edit the other values, default is 0,20,10,60.
In the second goes how much orders do you want to analyze in the history, if you put 15 it will analyze the last 15 orders, 5 the last 5 orders and 25 the last 25(For pro accounts you can use up to 40 to 75).
The third value is in how much orders the price should be more or the same, for example if you put 5 it will analyse that the price didnt goes down in the last 5 orders.
And the last value is how much % of volume of buys orders should be in the lasts N orders that you specified in the second parameter.
-beast: The bot wont analyse the order history, it just will try to sell as fast as it can looking the sell-range,buy-range, and the difference in % between buy and sell prices, also it will look at the mingain value expresed in % to try to sell with a minimun profit.
Screenshots Beast Mode
java -jar MCXNowBot.jar -u USER-NUMBER -p PASSWORD -c LTC -i 0.01 -buy 0.025,0.03 -sell 0.025,1 -beast --show-history 15 --show-orders 5 -cycles 10 -percentage 0.25 -gain 1
java -jar MCXNowBot.jar -u USER-NUMBER -p PASSWORD -c MAX -i 0.01 -buy 0.0002,0.0003 -sell 0.0002,1 -beast --show-history 15 --show-orders 5 -cycles 5 -percentage 0.25 -gain 1
Screenshots Analysing-Risk Mode
java -jar MCXNowBot.jar -u USER-NUMBER -p PASSWORD -c LTC -i 0.01 -buy 0.025,0.03 -sell 0.025,1 -r 1,15,5,55 --show-history 15 --show-orders 5 -cycles 5 -percentage 0.25 -gain 1
java -jar MCXNowBot.jar -u USER-NUMBER -p PASSWORD -c MAX -i 0.01 -buy 0.0002,0.0003 -sell 0.0002,1 -r 1,15,5,55 --show-history 15 --show-orders 5 -cycles 5 -percentage 0.25 -gain 1
The price: 0.2 btc
The buyers will have 5% of discount on my next bot for cryptsy !
How to buy it?Write me a pm here or to my email
[email protected] with your name and email and if it a bot available you will have it!
The 25 Buyers:1. BOUGHT.
When we reach the 25 sells the 1.1 version will be announced!
Next updates for 1.1 version
-Bugs fix.
-Graphic interface.
-Enable dinamic trading to work with more than one order at the time.(Great update +++profit)
-Posibility to disable the auto-remake order.
The updates are going to be posted here and twitter!
I wish you profits and good luck, Blackjak.