hello resend i have a encounter some problems with the the new and old sgminer and miner control i star the auto and start to show DEAD if i rung the sgminers will run's with out problem.
"general": {
"power": 0.09,
"exchange": 300,
"currencycode": "USD",
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"maxtime": 120,
"switchtime": 3,
"deadtime": 10,
"logerrors": true,
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"gridsortmode": 1,
"minerkillmode": 0,
"traymode": 1,
"donationpercentage": 2,
"donationfrequency": 240,
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"remotereceive": true
"algorithms": [
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{ "name": "x13", "hashrate": 4024, "power": 49, "aparam1": "", "aparam2": "sgminer.exe", "aparam3": "-a x13" },
{ "name": "x14", "hashrate": 4024, "power": 52, "aparam1": "", "aparam2": "sgminer.exe", "aparam3": "-a x14" },
{ "name": "x15", "hashrate": 3270, "power": 52, "aparam1": "", "aparam2": "sgminer.exe", "aparam3": "-a x15" },
{ "name": "nist5", "hashrate": 15682, "power": 54, "aparam1": "", "aparam2": "sgminer.exe", "aparam3": "-a nist5" },
{ "name": "neoscrypt", "hashrate": 80, "power": 54, "aparam1": "", "aparam2": "sgminer.exe", "aparam3": "-a neoscrypt" }
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"algos": [
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{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3337 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "x15", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3339 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3333 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "scryptn", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3335 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "keccak", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3338 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "nist5", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3340 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "neoscrypt", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3341 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "sha256", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3332 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true }
"westhash": {
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"algos": [
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{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3337 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "x15", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3339 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3333 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
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{ "algo": "keccak", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3338 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "nist5", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3340 -u _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
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{ "algo": "x15", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:6660 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "nist5", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:7770 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "neoscrypt", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:8880 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
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"algos": [
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{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3633 _ACCOUNT_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "x14", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3933 _ACCOUNT_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
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{ "algo": "quark", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:4033 _ACCOUNT_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "nist5", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3833 _ACCOUNT_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3433 _ACCOUNT_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true }
"wafflepool": {
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"sparam2": "-p x",
"algos": [
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{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3330 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3333 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true },
{ "algo": "scryptn", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ _SPARAM1_:3332 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true }
"ltcrabbit": {
"apikey": "bb06dc752562fe018b2072c61a936DRgt2365e85649b578bec83dcd4265FGth9868f88ba3eac",
"account": "lex",
"worker": "270x",
"sparam2": "-p x",
"algos": [
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{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "_APARAM1_", "command": "_APARAM2_", "arguments": "_APARAM3_ -o stratum+tcp://scrypt.ltcrabbit.com:3333 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_ _SPARAM2_", "usewindow": true }