I don't think this has been mentioned before, but YAAMP X14, WafflePool X13 en TradeMyBit Nist5 all show 0's for price. I am using the newest version, on Windows 7 Home Premium, all updates.
This is my .conf file, should it be needed.
"general": {
"power": 0.10,
"exchange": 500,
"currencycode": "EUR",
"mintime": 4,
"maxtime": 30,
"switchtime": 3,
"deadtime": 10,
"logerrors": true,
"gridsortmode": 1,
"minerkillmode": 1,
"traymode": 1,
"donationpercentage": 3,
"donationfrequency": 240
"algorithms": [
{ "name": "x11", "hashrate": 2800, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "x13", "hashrate": 2100, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "x14", "hashrate": 2200, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "x15", "hashrate": 985, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "quark", "hashrate": 4200, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "nist5", "hashrate": 8247, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "scrypt", "hashrate": 390, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "scryptn", "hashrate": 183, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "keccak", "hashrate": 2500, "power": 0 },
{ "name": "sha256", "hashrate": 0, "power": 0 }
"nicehash": {
"account": "13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx",
"worker": "1",
"algos": [
{ "algo": "x11", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x11 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:3336 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p d=0.01" },
{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "a x13 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:3337 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p d=0.01" },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-l K8x32 -i 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:3333 -O 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main:d=256" },
{ "algo": "scryptn", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": " -a scrypt:2048 -l K71x3 -i 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:3335 -O 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main:d=128" },
{ "algo": "keccak", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a keccak -l K21x20 -i 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:3338 -O 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main:x" },
{ "algo": "x15", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x15 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:3339 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p d=0.01" },
{ "algo": "nist5", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "/-a nist5 -o stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:3340 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p x" },
{ "algo": "sha256", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "/c test-run.bat sha256 _ACCOUNT_._WORKER_" }
"trademybit": {
"apikey": "23c10ba18126e97f7236c89b07c65697a3ee92a99115217ea33eb83a2398b77d",
"account": "13remon",
"worker": 1,
"algos": [
{ "algo": "x11", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x11 -o stratum+tcp://am01.eu.trademybit.com:4440 -u 13remon.1 -p x" },
{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x13 -o stratum+tcp://am01.eu.trademybit.com:5550 -u 13remon.1 -p x" },
{ "algo": "x15", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x15 -o stratum+tcp://am01.eu.trademybit.com:6660 -u 13remon.1 -p x" },
{ "algo": "nist5", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a nist5 -o stratum+tcp://am01.eu.trademybit.com:7770 -u 13remon.1 -p x" },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-l K8x23 -i 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp://am01.eu.trademybit.com:3330 -O 13remon.1:x" },
{ "algo": "scryptn", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a scrypt:2048 -l K71x3 -i 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp://am01.eu.trademybit.com:2220 -O 13remon.1:x" }
"yaamp": {
"account": "13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx",
"algos": [
{ "algo": "x11", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x11 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3533 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p xx" },
{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x13 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3633 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p xx" },
{ "algo": "x14", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x14 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3933 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p xx" },
{ "algo": "x15", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x15 -o s stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3733 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p xx" },
{ "algo": "nist5", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a nist5 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3833 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p xx" },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-l K8x32 -i 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3433 -O 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main:d=256" }
"wafflepool": {
"account": "13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx",
"weight": 0.80,
"algos": [
{ "algo": "x11", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x11 -o stratum+tcp://eu.wafflepool.com:3331 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx -p 0.04" },
{ "algo": "x13", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-a x13 -o stratum+tcp://eu.wafflepool.com:3330 -u 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx.main -p 0.04" },
{ "algo": "scrypt", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": "-l K8x32 -i 0 -H 1 -o stratum+tcp://eu.wafflepool.com:3333 -O 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx:d=256" },
{ "algo": "scryptn", "folder": "", "command": "nvminer.exe", "arguments": " -a scrypt:2048 -l K71x3 -i 0 -H 1 -o sstratum+tcp://eu.wafflepool.com:3332 -O 13enECLM3M3gjQDoBKouXuYFG4zXaDdDPx:d=128" }