Ok guys I've been following this thread since the coin existed I bought in at 5 sat and sold at 50 made a nice profit now I hold 1.5mil I'm trying to figure out why you guys seem to think the price will skyrocket? What makes mint so much more special than any other coin!? I mean pos? Really? What good is that when you get orphans or what not? A little explanation other than we have a strong community we have merchants etc..... I don't see anything major that would make the price go up. Not being a troll just trying to understand.
As things stabilize more the orphans are becoming less and less, and I don't see what is wrong with a few orphans right now? It's not like anything bad happens. You don't lose coin age or anything. Overall, Mintcoin is faster, more energy efficient, has billions of coins which is a good thing because you don't run into the problem that people have with Bitcoin where they don't want to buy 0.19 of a coin for $100 they want to be able to afford to buy a whole coin - so Mintcoin has better liquidity. Transaction times are faster than Litecoin and fees basically 0. More secure from 51% attack because of the hybrid PoW/PoS. Mintcoin's energy efficiency cannot be understated. The cost of power consumption for PoW coins such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dodge, et al. is becoming a beast. Proof-of-Work is basically proof of energy consumption which is not sustainable and terrible for the environment. Once Bitcoin and Litecoin hit their max coin caps, then all of those miners will have to try to make their money on transaction fees with is cost prohibitive. Mintcoin solves so many problems it is ridiculous.
Mintcoin doesn't need miners to secure the network, so it is vastly more energy efficient and secure than Bitcoin, relatively speaking.
With Bitcoin/Litecoin/Feathercoin/Namecoin etc, the security of the network is dependent upon the miners, and this will lead to eventual centralization of the networks and security will be reduced over time. With Mintcoin, the coin is designed in such a way so that security will increase over time, and the network will become more decentralized. So due to the design, Peercoin is the most likely to be sustainable, and not waste excess energy. Mintcoin is greener, better for saving our environment and saving electricity, Mintcoin solves the mining arms race problem we are beginning to see with these other coins.
Bitcoin's security relies on miners. As time goes on, Bitcoin will be forced to move transactions "off block-chain". If Bitcoin moves off block-chain, miners cannot be compensated for these transactions. If miners cannot be compensated, they won't mine. If miners don't mine, network security goes down as time goes on. As time goes on, Bitcoin becomes increasingly less secure and more risky to use as a safe-haven to store very large sums of money. Mintcoin's design solves this problem.
MINT is more energy efficient, secure against 51% attack, and enforce transaction fees at protocol level to defend against block bloating attacks. Bitcoin's network is actually a huge waste of energy, and will become less and less attractive as time goes on, less secure as time goes on, and eventually get block bloated. Mintcoin has "Significant" innovation above and beyond Bitcoin and other coins.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, et al. and potentially even Peercoin will suffer from an endless cycle of perpetually needing more and more and MORE mining gear to keep it going...this process is really turning into a beast that can only end badly...and it is never going to end. The worst part about Bitcoin is that Proof-of-Work has basically turned into Proof-of-Electricity. This is going to be a serious energy problem...and only the places with cheap electricity will be able to compete...this will force energy prices perpetually higher and higher.
But now, with Mintcoin, this is completely unnecessary. Mintcoin is evironmentally sustainable, and shows that Bitcoin is just an inefficient coin, a complete waste of money, and resources. I am not against Bitcoin, I love BTC, but I am looking objectively, and I am willing to admit it is not perfect. Mintcoin is much more tailored to surpass it.
Energy efficiency
Transaction speed
Coin cap
Good name
Good distribution