I invested in MUE
Let's be realistic, to compete with any major online currency (be it crypto or e-money like paypal), pumping is bad. Steady progress to get attention is mandatory. And then... there is MUE, much progress has come and yes I believe in it's nice MUE can be great see:
http://www.monetaryunit.org/resources/Investors are harsh and too impatient, but the community should at least give the guys, who don't earn big money with MUE btw, a break. It was/is a holiday period after all.
To step up, I could realize a new website etc.
Feel free to contact me. I would be happy to assist where I can.
P.S. A friend of mine contacted some parties a while ago. We are listed @
https://allienworks.net/2015/cryptocoins-updated-to-1-4/It's a buyers market for sure. Pool closings are certainly playing a part. I've just launched a new London based stratum server for
stratum+tcp://uk.exapool.com:4333 -u mueaddress -p x
Exapool won't be dumping rewarded coins, instead I will be paying out the rewards as an averaged mining bonus at the end of each week for the month of September.
The exchanges have been given advanced notice to update to the next MUE release. Once the exchanges are updated, I will post an official update notice and notify users via the alert system.
The next release is a big leap forward, and MUE will be among a very small number of alts up to date with new Bitcoin code. Savvy users may find the pre-release v1.0.10.3 bins in the usual locations.
Near the end of September, I will push another release that will effectively EOL all outdated MUE clients, hopefully preventing any more of these rogue miner block incidents.
We are also considering options for merged mining for the distant future. We are open to suggestions, as always.