The Navajocoin community is rock solid. The Kraken has been Unleashed and will soon surface and create some big waves across the Crypto community.
1. I would now like to see the Navajocoin -State of the Art Double Encryption verified by a trusted 3rd party. Someone that signs a confialty agreement that they can not disclose any algorithms or code or use Subchains.
1a. I want to see the decentralized , centralized chatter blown out of the water. With a statement linked to the OP
2. I would like more people to join the foundation and also Donate to the Navajocoin Fund.
3. We can now start the PR blitz. Don't wait for others to do this. If we want to hire a professional lets do it. We have a wold class product to sell. I would like to see the foundation and development team allocate more manager positions to PR and Fund raising for adding more features. I can see the hard work and patients delivered us the Double Encryption and Subchains. This is a great moment for the Navajocoin community.
Navajocoin community are rocking this to the stars. The Volume is awesome and this needs to keep up. Let's shut the FUD with solid evidence ounce and for all.
Maybe the creater of DRK..who do you recommend or baby the development team already knows someone