Apologies for my absence from the forum, I have been working around the clock to get the Navajo Anonymous System running on the main network.
The faithful will shortly be rewarded and the haters will undoubtedly be proven wrong.
I have slaved my ass off pretty much every day for the last 6 months get this project across the line. So please, can everyone stop with the FUD, I take it personally. When I say I am going to get something done, I don't stop till the job is done, no matter what. I am a man of my word.
I have just completed a round of testing of the anonymous transactions on the main block chain and I am utterly thrilled to inform you that it is all working as it is intended.
We are currently rolling out the finished code to the rest of the node network, performing a final round of tests and compiling the wallet for various operating systems.
The fully working anonymous system will be publicly launched this coming Monday 23 of March.
Prepare to pop that champagne you've been saving for a special occasion.