Pool server wallet runs on a static server. when running a pool wallet on one machine in the network, how do you run another wallet as a backup if the first one gets forked or if I mine in the pool on another machine and choose to use wallet/miner 3.4 from dawallet. I guess I'm looking for what i can't and can do as not to disrupt the server running the pool.
I run
ok, think about it like this. you are not running a specific wallet, but the wallet software. you are running NXT and that is the backbone of the Burst system. Think about it like running an ATM at Bank of America. That ATM can access any and every Bank of America account. If you start the wallet, it is fully running and synced, the fully running part can take 15 minutes, then you go to on your browser and log into any account that you have or even start a new one. In fact, if you leave that page and come back, it is likely that you will have to log back into the account. The same is true if you have the AIO in your package.
Now, plotting is done for a specific account. It can be done very simply through the AIO or via the software. Either way you are specifying an account to create the plots for and that is the account that mines those plots. You can plot for two different accounts or more, but you have to have the space to do it and should keep them in separate folders. Then...
1. Any given account can only mine the plots created for that account. They can be moved from one PC to another or whatever, but the miner has to be using that account.
2. Any given account using a pool must first set the reward to that account, this is also true for solo mining, you just use your own address. After setting a new reward recipient, you must watch your wallet and wait 4 confirmations before mining to that pool and it costs 1 Burst to change pools.
can you use tow accounts on the same PC to mine to two different pools, using two different sets of plots? Sure, I am pretty sure. Basically if using the same mining program, you would need to make a copy and put it in another folder. That could cause issues, I would use a different miner for the other account. The only other issue to technically doing this would be port conflicts, most computers are pretty smart and would probably handle it ok, but if not it could be worked around by port forwarding and modding the mining approach. But, lastly, there is really no reason to do this. There is a level of luck to things and maybe you want to try to new pools at the same time without waiting for two sets of confirmations, but it really comes down to power. Although mining with burst is not CPU intensive, it does use the CPU/GPU. So, it would be like splitting $20 between two people in hopes of getting more stuff at the store. It is still $20, whether it is held between 1, 2 or 9 people. However, it can be done and it may be an approach to trying to do nothing but hit block captures. Ten accounts solo mining would have a better chance of finding a block, but the day to day rewards would be low.