BUYERS: If you would like to buy hashing power for Ethereum you can now already use Hitchpool as target pool on the order:
Stratum hostname:
Stratum port: 3334
Password: x
Stratum hostname:
Stratum port: 3334
Password: x
SELLERS/PROVIDERS: Please keep in mind that you still have to use our special fork of Genoil's ethminer, however Genoil as well as Claymoure will soon be releasing support for NiceHash in their official miners.
Best regards,
NiceHash team.
just a few things.. seems to work great. I do notice that the miner has some issues with reporting the hashrate.. it seems to fluctuate a lot. and at the beginning it has a ramp up phase where it takes a while before it starts showing the actual hashrate. (also notice something funny if you have quickedit turned on the command prompt properties. if you click on the window it will pause the display and screw the stats up royal.. Takes a good while to start showing correct hashrate again) will show the log in a bit. Was wondering if you could implement your stratum code into Genoil miner with gpu dag creation. That is almost a must. I am testing this out with a lonely 7970 for now. I will pump some more hash when i have more time tomorrow. Also i would like for you to be able to allow claymores miner to attach to your service.. That would be awesome aswell. Main thing is getting the 1.1 version of genoil miner with your xnsub and stratum updates.
Best Regards
1. Speed reporting is as it is... it is good enough approximation, exact values are not even needed (are needed only for benchmark, so that NHM can calculate exact best profits), your earnings are based on your shares, and speeds out of shares are calculated and displayed online.
2. We plan to further extend Genoil's miner of on-GPU DAG creation; our version will also keep DAG in host memory, so that it can be loaded onto GPUs at any time. NHM switch between algorithms and any kind of waiting between switches is unacceptable (even if it is only 5 seconds for on-GPU DAG creation). Regarding EthereumStratum/1.0.0 in Genoil's miner... well that is something to talk to him. Specifications are online, there are compatible pools, there is working miner example with it... so it is up to Genoil to include it. Talk to him regarding it. If enough users create pressure, he will probably add it.
3. You need to talk to claymore regarding it. Again, all specifications are online (daggerhashimoto: decred:, there are working pools (mentioned in previous post), there are working miners (in latest NHM) and there are sources for pools and miners. There are no obstacles. Just talk to developer regarding it.