Ok here is the deal and I hope it is cool with everyone. If not then let me know. Everybody loses if this blockchain and wallet are not working. I contacted a guy that I KNOW can fix it if he will and if he even has time. I do not have much to offer him and if he even takes it then I don't know if he will accept my small offer. Just my 216 coins. We are not going to be anything but bagholders anyway and so he can have all of mine. If anyone wants to pitch in something in case that is not enough for him then I think the best way to do it would be to pm me and I will write down what anyone offers and post the list if he wants more. If he fixes it for my small offer then great. I will tear up the list and you guys can keep rollin with this and see if something can come out of it.
Somebody might need to take control of the thread so they can change the subject to something better so think about something better also lol. Maybe he would just change that also to something cool to draw as a good working coin.
Let me know about this in case he takes it. Thanks everybody.
Hey!!!!! I just got paid. Is everyone now and we don't need anyone to fix it??? Some input???
Anyone have any info on if they are getting paid?
? I am about to ditch these coins. There is no interest here. I will just tell the guy that it works I guess. I still think somebody needs to take the thread away from the original non dev only to make the subject look better. I will check back in a while.