If your miner is connected properly to your client then high GPU use it expected, however keep in mind that an i7 was getting as high as 18 hpm, so if you are getting 130 hpm you have roughly 6 of them, which when you compare with the overall network is not a lot at the moment. Please be patient, you'll hit some blocks soon, I've noticed that if i hit a block, i hit another one soon, then a long dry spell before it happens again.
Sir I've been extremely patient! Almost a day with opencl miner and over 400 botnet compute hours and all I have to show is the 5 noirshares you sent me many days ago and 4 orphans (orphans from vps when difficulty was below .00000400). Will have the new miner open until Sunday. Will report results.
lol, i bet you've been close to beating your PC with a club. I havent seen a block since the 19th. A lot of interest has grown over my plans for a decentralized corporate, i am guessing people think it has promise and are mining in order to invest and reap large portions. However, i would encourage those who wish to just invest to buy NoirShares from other miners. I had hoped to avoid exchanges but it seems it is now necessary in order to ensure that they are accessible to all.
Exchanges are a necessity, but I think it would we wise to avoid one for as long as we can. And yes, I have toyed with the idea of throwing my equipment out my second story window. Why don't you have a buy in with the premine? You deserve to make a little for all the sleepless nights you've had, and it would offer investors an "early bird" opportunity to buy in.
That point has been raised a lot and i have considered it. I am publishing the Investment options and the first two proposals later tonight. This alone will raise the value of an invested share as it becomes official that investment and development have begun. In this case selling the NRS premine is not an option, it is the company's float fund for development and using it for anything else may lead to imbalances, trust issues and accusations of mismanagement. I am a proponent of devs having a slice (thanks very much) after they have earned it, but the best i can do without compromising the integrity of the NIG Charter and the Corporate contract is to organize more giveaways from my own mining. Instead i can maybe offer an escrow for people to trade as agreed upon publicly here
Trust is a key component of building a business of this nature and i need to always do things above board for people to trust me with their investments. Even those i will assign tasks would have been vetted thoroughly and only access that which they need.
Good point. I would really like to get my hands on more of these. Looks like a very solid investment option and your priorities seem to be in good order. I'm trying to configure some g2.2xLarge instances on this at the moment to increase my 130 h/m but it's a real pain in the ass.
I'll keep my eyes open for giveaways, I've been trying for some time to get my piece of the pie.