Really green!!!??? What happened with Black? I know there is some stupid debate about Sinta helpers, because it would be racist, but come on.
Joined Placebo's giveaway, retweeted and clicking for GROW..We love GROW, we spread GROW..
Every 3 days i will notice how many ORE you produced and will send you every 3 days the number of ORE in GROW coins. So if you are active then you will see our number of coins increasing
So all I do is click the ads correct? Like a normal click site.. or do I do other stuff as well?
You have 5 tasks to complete. When completing a task you will receive warcoins, and with those coins you can make your warrior better, and earn more money.
This you can see in 'Achievements'. You don't need to complete it, but when completing it you receive warcoins.
Every adv has a number of warcoins linked to it, if you are the person that clicked the most times on that adv then you will receive those warcoins, it is really somekind of war clicking
If you are in the top 400 clickers then you receive also warcoins.
Some adv give you small amount of money like $0.0002
Anyway; I start 7 days ago, and i already have $2, not bad as that was all done by myself. People with a lot of refs can earn up to $20 per three days, so that is a nice $600 per month for those guys.