You go along and use 0.5 PRL to save e.g. 32 GB (since 64GB/year is currently the minimum, the peg can be higher) of family photos for 1 year on the tangle.
What happens next?
You pay for the upload, the broker node is paying hook nodes to do the nessecary PoW for the upload on the tangle. Now the left PRLs of those 0.5 PRLs are getting split up in ~50% and ~50%. One of those ~50% are taken by the broker and the other ~50% are buried, set in a slow-release-state. [Numbers here are also just an example. They can still change]
Now web nodes are comming in ecosystem. Web nodes are people visiting websites, running the Oyster JS script. By paying with a little bit of their CPU/GPU, website visitors are getting access to the content provided by the website owner.
Those web nodes are 'treasure hunting' for the buried PRLs. For that they are getting 'treasure maps' from the broker nodes but they have to perform PoW first - meaning reattaching the filechunks of the upload you or others performed earlier.
Those found PRLs will get send by the broker to the website owners entered ETH-address.
The website owner can then e.g. use the PRLs for himself to store data on the tangle e.g. for his website, hold them, or sell them on exchanges.
Now you need another 0.5 PRL for another vacation picture folder. You are going to an exchange and buy those PRLs to use them for your next upload.