At this point there is not actually a fork, simply I have updated the repository to build on current versions of things on a current linux system.
This repository below is now fixed to build on more or less any current version of linux. I don't know if the mac or windows builds work or not, I didn't touch them because I don't know anything about them.'s not a new version, it's just a version that you can build on any linux. There is a script in src/ that will ease all the painy bits, building the server, qt wallet and dropping the necessaries into your home folder to add them to your favourite linux desktop application menu (for the Qt app, anyway).
For the technical details, what I did was embed openssl 1.0.1 into the repository (just so you don't have to
and you need to install berkeleydb 4.8 and boost 1.59 beforehand. For linux users, this will give you the parallelcoin-qt GUI wallet and the daemon you can run how you want to. I fixed all the code so it all builds out of the 'src/' directory, both the daemon and Qt wallet, and it took a few changes here and there, many of which had already been made on other bitcoin-based clients previously (well, I had figured them out mostly beforehand by reading the errors).
I have some parameter changes for the chain worked out, 30 second blocks, lowered minimum difficulty to be reasonable for scrypt, and an increase in the maximum amount of difficulty adjustment when hashpower changes and causes blocks to break the block time pattern. 30 second blocks is an optional change, I am looking to hear arguments for and against. I think 1 minute would be enough, 30 seconds shaves it a bit close to the limits of blockchain systems.
These are changes that will cause a fork. These are changes we have to tee things up with pool operators and exchanges to get pushed through. I suspect that most reading this would be glad to have this update. Shorter blocks and a more aggressive difficulty adjustment will reduce the arhythmia the chain has developed significantly.
I am looking into how to distribute the new version better - I am looking at flatpak for the GUI, which greatly simplifies installation for casual users on Linux. We will need a mac and a windows person to check if the builds are still working for these platforms, I suspect they will, but the mac version in particular might take a little more work. I am attempting to get a static binary built now that will just run on any recent linux version without any installation, something we can put on the 'releases' page alongside the binaries for mac and windows. I think Marcetin might be able to work with me to get the mac version sorted out tomorrow or the next day.
I have diverged from the main mission of building a Golang based client for the network temporarily because I think current and recent builds should be available, and there is a small amount of tweaks I have made that I think will improve the performance of the network. We have some, one or a few cloud miners dumping hashpower sporadically on the network which is exposing a serious flaw in the protocol - it only adjusts difficulty when someone finds a solution at the elevated difficulty. The lack of scrypt pool and generally low level of hashpower on the network contribute to this but if I dig around a bit I may be able to figure out how to trigger difficulty adjustment checks in between blocks and have the difficulty drop fast enough between these attacks to let other users actually win blocks.
I have been getting so far into this that I might actually be able to make this change myself fairly easily, before the new client is written, and I probably can tune it so that it progressively lowers difficulty until it hits the surface of the available hashpower and gets 5 minute blocks regularly, even with such a wide difference between maximum and minimum hashpower on the network over time.
So, to set the agenda for the next bits of work the dev team will be doing, we need someone to help with getting the windows and mac versions compiling, we need to launch a scrypt pool. I will be getting a static binary for the server and qt wallet built in the next day or so, that hopefully I can easily turn into a flatpak or at least most people will be able to just dump in their executable path and use on any linux.
The one thing that would be really nice to be able to get happening is to integrate merge mining so we can get some free hash power to reduce the vulnerability of the chain, but I'm not sure what's involved with that exactly. I know several sha256d and scrypt coins based on bitcoin have this, so it might not be so difficult to integrate.
I just checked a static build I started, and I found that the upnp and berkeleydb libraries didn't have objects to link. I think I'll be able to fix that tomorrow and then I can push up binaries for the new 1.3 build. I bumped the version number because I think it's overdue and the parameter change version will then be 1.4... we'll be still two versions behind bitcoin and litecoin but whatever! The golang client will be 2.0, and it will be significantly better, and I will make it modular so we can add numerous other merge mineable algorithms to further reinforce the hashpower security of the system.