Just to be clear, running the proxy, pointing it to and port 4009, using a wallet name that is 8 chars and then launching the miner..
Is there something that I have overlooked? I'm running the wallet 1.2.0 and it's all synced up and working fine from what I can tell.
Should the proxy instead be pointed to the machine IP eg or something instead? It appears as the proxy is running well and reporting nonces found so I'm kind of surprised that I have yet to find at least a few blocks.
I'll be giving it some more time but if this continues I'll have to rethink the home mining and wait for trading
Make sure that the miner is in "sync" with the current block/target.
Sometimes the proxy does not write the latest data in headeroutXX.txt, happened to me a few times now.
PS: don't forget that the data is represented in little endian.