you can make 1 table completed task.
Means that when the task is finished pages each. When it is completed, it will appear on one table to another, you just click on the get the rewards alone, so it would be better.
But every time I click one task is finished then they must pass each test page is finished yet very laborious.
If you could please help, web game fun.
Thank you .
It is meant to have some labour, you're getting free money to play a game.
It's the equivalent of completing a Capthca, if you'd like, I can add a Captcha and make it more labour intensive.
Remove one step, add a Captcha on each claim, and adding the Captcha would make it even longer to claim as some involve clicking images.
Yes, I agree .
If there is one frame can separate task notification is complete, just click on it and hit captcha is getting the rewards are great.
Because of the higher level later when the task more difficult to control and I will be received and the task took less reward.
Still made 1 own goal to beat captcha per acquisition but it helps us to know what the task is completed.
Every so often the web now, so you entered does not matter.
Also you can add one more addition to the expansion of mining, we can buy more items that increase energy.
Or one of the short-term by mining your pokemon number. (Do not need much, but for fun because I do not see them)
Your Pokemon mining should first finish some time to recover.
The tasks have timers.
They even tell you when you hit Do Mission: Wait X amount of seconds to claim.
I do not want to add a Captcha system, as it would require recoding of the missions structure, and would add more time to each mission for a user to complete said Captcha on every mission on every Claim. This is a lot harder than just simply clicking Claim.
To complete a mission 100%, you have to do the mission 5x times. So if you think about it, that's 5x Captchas per 1 mission that you would have to do, every single time you go to claim it. The higher the levels later, the more you also earn for doing a mission.
Mission Grinding---------------------------------------
You earn 1 energy every 3 minutes, giving you 20 energy regeneration per hour.
Mission Examples:In level 6, Back To Viridian City costs 3 energy and rewards 80 Satoshi.
In level 12, Next Stop: Vermilion City costs 5 energy and rewards 150 Satoshi, this is almost double for not even double the energy costs.
In level 18, Into The Dark costs 6 energy and rewards 205 Satoshi, this is more than double the reward, and only double the energy costs.
Say you have 15 Energy: You can complete Back To Viridian City 5 times, and receive 400 Satoshi.
You can complete Next Stop: Vermilion City 3 times, and receive 450 Satoshi.
You can complete Into The Dark 2 times, and a 3rd time after 3 minutes, and receive 615 Satoshi.
If you wait 45 minutes and come back you'll have 15 energy regenerated:You can now complete Back To Viridian City 5 more times, and receive 400 Satoshi.
You can now complete Next Stop: Vermilion City 3 times, and receive 450 Satoshi.
You can complete Into The Dark 2 times, and a 3rd time after 3 minutes, and receive 615 Satoshi.
Not to mention if you level up, you get a full energy restore.
Total for the hour if you start with full energy:800 Satoshi for Back To Viridian City.
or 900 Satoshi for Next Stop: Vermilion City.
or 1230 Satoshi for Into The Dark.
As you can see, rewards get higher the more you progress, not less.