Yes in this 2.4.2 version which should be 2.4.3 all haven shares are rejected, so it is really the old version without support for haven after fork
This is the right branch
In the first post there is link directly to 2.4.3 version so it would be confusing for others if they download not working version, instead of the latest one working. Guys from Haven need to replace the link with just latest release not with exact version. Same for the pools some of them link to the 2.4.3 directly also and some of them even to non existing miner or old not working versions of CN miners.
Teress aren't you from Czech Republic like me? I think I've sold you some timings like year ago.
Thanks Mattthev, I'll try the dev version. BTW yes, thats me, about year ago we had some deal, but I don't remeber what was that