Any chance you would like to increase interest from 1% on POS with all the ASICS coming in to play to say 10% ?
I think this will have a very positive effect on PPC price as more people will prefer to hold it in order to mint a stake just like it is happening with NVC which is now using 53% annually...
Just a thought
Is Maddoff or something like that the name to cite here, as in some crook every idiot who wants a fast buck throws their money at because wow the profits are huge so better just jump in what could possibly go wrong?
Aren't there enough ponzi / pyramid / tulip-mania scams out there already without starting to break the few things left that aren't just scams run by some megalomaniac who will do anything to make a fast buck?
A centrally managed money supply with a central power that sets the interest rates, how original, and even more original that they are raised so all the cronies of the central power can get lots, then of course lowered to keep out the riff-raff. Sheesh, that novacoin is so innovative!
Maybe you should check what the brains behind Enron are up to now and get in on that too, sure to be a big hit!