Hello. Good to be on the forums. These are definitely some interesting times. A lot of money to be made, surely, but I am afraid, that the original idea of the cryptocoin is getting lost in the greed.
To me, Quark is really one of the most interesting new cryptocoins out there, but like many others, I am a bit confused and afraid about this "90% mined in 6 months" issue. Besides having one of the coolest names and best security features, it has the support of Bill Still and is soon picked up by China. If I my assumptions are correct, there really shouldn't be any concern about this "already mined" issue and Quark is really as distributed as advertised. Can someone pick my mind and give some feedback on my reasoning (I am trying to approach this issue from a different perspective).
Lets take Cryptsy example (
If you take Quark volume (the amount of shares that trade hands from sellers to buyers) on Cryptsy from the start of Quark release (from July), it will amount to roughly 708 378 573 (that is almost 3 times the entire number of mined Quarks (245 715 425)). I do realize, that large portion of this is back-and-forth between the same people, but still, it should be one of the few coins with this huge volume (in percentage) being traded day-to-day (note that the market volume does not change much in time). If you take into consideration, that Quark is also traded in other markets (mainly Bter and Coins-E) in big volumes, isn't it reasonable to assume that there are not that many "big-stack-bullies" with enormous Quark wallets around and the Quark itself is fairly well distributed between people who placed money in it and people who mined it? Another consideration is that to my knowledge, Quarks can only be bought with BTC. It would make much sense that when markets pick it up in any kind of QRK/Fiat configuration, volume will increase even more...
I also invested almost 2k USD in Quark (obv when it had last peak), but since I am very new to this, there are some general concerns about the Quark and market is quite unstable, most likely I will lose big portion of this in self-inflicted "panic sales" and doubt.
Also, is there a way to see list of biggest Quark wallets and how much they hold?
So... thoughts about the Quark volume? Does it say anything meaningful? Is it something that should alleviate some doubt of Quark being "scamcoin"?
P.S. Sorry if this topic is already covered in this thread.