Maok, it's your business if you think what silvermetal does is irrelevant. It's not your task to comment on his posts.
But Quarkfx, I am tired of posts in which random new people that enter in Quark topics be it here or there to get accused of a myth which was never proven, namely sockpuppets. I guess it wasn't my task to comment on that just like it wasn't silvermetal's task to investigate so many people history and place judgements on those that write either in here or reddit. I think is anyone's task to defend those that are immediately labeled and attacked based on something with no proof.
I think it's obvious here that Vanuatu will never use Quark - not becaus the account ia a DI sockpuppet but because there were like 100s of cases that were misleading people into believibg something big ia hoing to happen. This is just one of them. To prevent people to buy in on this basis is a reasonable thing to do. There ia no reason to flame here.
who's going to buy into those pump messages like something big is going to come? No one. The poster just expressed an biased opinion on things that may or may not happen..
Yeah, who would buy in on announcement? Are you serious? That's how 90% of cryptoeconomics work: Buy on announcement. It doesn't matter how ridiculous those announcements are. e.g. the "something big in the works for quark" announcement was ridiculous but many bought in anf kept asking for months. Obviously not too many will fall for this kind of ANN today, but it is still bullshit.
Contrary to what Hilux suggests this isn't a Cheer-Thread but a thread on Quark and if someone likes to talk about the ugly sides then he or she has every right to do so. What Orm does has anything to do with "Quarks going down, sell all your coins". I don't believe that every person he called a sockpuppet was in fact a sockpuppet, but I can see where the judgement comes from and he's got a point that in many cases it smells like sockpuppet.
Also as far as I see Orms main point isn't that Quark is a scam by itself but that it has been used to make a lot of money and there are some actors who have proven to carry out those scams (e.g. by making announcements to keep people in Quark), Digitalindustry is just one of them.
A lot of bad stuff happened, or before the paying platform....maybe you missed those parts because you were not there maybe you prefer to not look at them but for fact there are good reason to be very critical eith no matter what happens with Quark, partiparticularly as long as Digitalindustry remains involved.
of course "Quark fx " is the "good cop" pathetic dis info guy , i receive many emails you guys don't realize how much you help Quark - the price was always going to be here you thought you hurt confidence you have just helped.
you of course with that ape mind are thinking in months or maybe a few years, keep waving that stick at the moon.
I never say to buy on any news the announcement i had was 100% real - so lets lay it out hey : D
The Bill Still Deal - Bill Still contacted me and said he had been contacted by the leading political class in the Bahamas -
he had a person that had raised in excess of 400k to basically fund an exchange with would be integrated into the official stock exchange of the Bahamas.
They would integrate both Bitcoin and Quark - our friends in the many private intelligence agencies which are partly or directly owned by banking corporations.
most of which work here are the CIA front In - Q Tel - ( the same guys that set up Gavin employment at the CIA which was to consult and help them learn about the NSA built Block-chain system)
after which Bill was "Employed" as some "data center" and basically told he couldn't talk about Crypto any more (i.e paid off)
now he might have also had some political differences with my self and also he may have been told i was a "Russian spy" ( which is completely ridiculous )
* although i do support the Russian federation for a number of other important reasons.
you see i can say all this , and the guys that know what i'm talking about know why i can say all this : )
I serve our creators and our creators only, you should also.