Sorry man forgot to post the fix on here as well.
We have had a hiccup with the wallet. block 453100 is for some showing with a failed check, however the check on the block is good.
The team are investigating the cause of this and will be updating you as soon as we have something substantial to say. This is not a chain error but an error in how the wallets handle data from the chain!
In the mean time if you are stuck these instructions will get you back up and running!
Use bootstrap version that matches your wallet version
- Stop wallet or daemon
- In your wallets data directory delete folders:
-- blocks
-- chainstate
-- evodb
-- llmq
** and the file powcache.datg
- Unpack bootstrap and copy the folders and powcache.dat into your data directory
- Start wallet
Data Directory Locations:
- Unix/Linux: $HOME/.raptoreumcore
- Windows: %AppData%/raptoreumcore