[New sCoin Pool!] - All Pools 0% Tax!
~Incoming MooPool Features!~
Referral Program! - Users can earn 1% of their referrals 2% pool tax!
One pool, Many Coins! - Only one account, and one set of workers will be needed to mine any and all of our coins.
Easy Sign In! - Use your MooPool account, or other services to log in.
Full Ticketing System! - For a much easier time keeping track of, and properly responding to all open tickets. No more Gmail nonsense.
Advanced Pool and Worker Statistics - Faster, more accurate pool data.
Easy Start Scripts! Copy and paste the start scripts for each worker to easily start mining.
Increased Security! The additional safety of proprietary pool code, and a passion for cutting edge security.
Mandatory Automatic Payouts! - We are not (currently) a wallet service and do not want the opportunity to lose anybody's coins.
Community Interaction! - Chat with your fellow miners live, or in the forums.
Advanced Admin Features! - To help us efficiently maintain and upgrade our pools.
If anyone has any questions or suggestions feel free to contact us in our main thread!
Wow! Fantastic. Thank yoU!