We also accept MED for Antminer U1, the detail is
i can't get it to work , several rejected and that is
what mining configuration are you using?
can you post complete log files?
Bfgminer latest mcproxy3.jar
mcproxy3.jar start with -> bind to local address: localhost ,.,.,.,.,.,.,. i not add -b option
ST:0 F:1 NB:0 AS:0 BW:[211/201 B/s] E:0.00 I: 0.00 BTC/hr BS:4
1 | 12.95/195.2/ 0.00Mh/s | A:0 R:3+0(none) HW:0/none
PXY 0: | 378.9/195.2/ 0.00Mh/s | A:0 R:3+0(none) HW:0/none
[2014-02-06 16:17:05] Waiting for devices; press 'M+' to add, or 'Q' to quit
[2014-02-06 16:17:05] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-02-06 16:17:15] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
[2014-02-06 16:17:15] No suitable long-poll found for http://localhost:8080
[2014-02-06 16:17:15] Pool 0 http://localhost:8080 alive
[2014-02-06 16:17:16] HTTP server listening on port 8332
[2014-02-06 16:17:17] Staged work underrun; increasing queue minimum to 1
[2014-02-06 16:17:22] Pool 0 not providing work fast enough
[2014-02-06 16:17:27] Rejected 3ec73d9d PXY 0 Diff 4/0
[2014-02-06 16:17:36] Rejected 90300a01 PXY 0 Diff 1/0
[2014-02-06 16:17:40] Rejected 77dc6f0f PXY 0 Diff 2/0
............................................................................... .....
C:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\P2POOL>java -jar mcproxy3.jar -p 3333 -s med.u2poo -a
MediterraneanCoin Proxy3
wallet hostname:
wallet port: 3333
bind to local address: localhost
local proxy port: 8080
number of detected cores: 2
2014-02-06 16:16:00.264:WARN:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Acceptors should be <= 2
*availableProcessors: ServerConnector@1cea01d7{HTTP/1.1}{}
connector.getAcceptors(): 8
connector.getAcceptQueueSize(): 0
2014-02-06 16:16:01.218:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.1.1.v20140108
2014-02-06 16:16:01.327:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@
getwork request to wallet/daemon... thread 1
getwork request to wallet/daemon... thread 0
getwork request from miner...
getwork request to wallet/daemon... thread 0
getwork request to wallet/daemon... thread 1
getwork request from miner...
getwork request from miner...
getwork request from miner...
getwork request to wallet/daemon... thread 1
submitwork request from miner...
submitwork request from miner...
WORK NOT FOUND!!! ceedffaf51cb5c19b098bb5aebbf00cf355765f5ef4e146fcfef5cb3f25e71
6c59c0b264fab09af0dc40988e2749ed4ca98bf2a459acb5780de5a08bff0a0b5d917a183a52f39 a
621b0356c18ced87f80000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0