Hi PetATL, nice preliminary site, but can you give some response to prior suggestions/questions. Imho, you guys should introduce the new development team, get some kind of POD (proof of developer) service, set a road map of feature developments and then investors, including myself, will take you serious. Right now its just talk. And please make a new thread where you guys will have control of the OP. It wont do any good staying on this thread when you have no control of the OP and cant make the necessary updates. And as far as donations go, like I said before, I will donate after features are released. Thanks.
No I dont want any rools here like other coins, I want go other way, I will realese my wallet when I want and will do what I want, no what community and speculators want :-))) it can take one day or maybe one year but it is up to us :-)))
You must be joking. You've obv been full of shit this whole time. You say you dont want any rules but, yet you are making your own rules. This is supposded to be a COMMUNITY takeover, not a nazi style takeover. And who said this is your coin, (yet you're begging for donations with nothing to show you deserve it). Its the investors coin atm. You havnt even proven that you found developers. If you were serious about a real takeover, you would have already made a new ANN thread. Cheers..
:-))) nazi style, Community takeover and what community and you do for recovery of this coin - nothing, they just kill it before and kill it again if we dont create SHIELD :-)))
gnomegawd will have here other style but I will Shielding :-) from guys which jumping from one coin to other coin without anything....
Dude if you want real investors, you have to show them that you are a serious developer. You have to PROVE to them that you even have developers. Without a community you have no chance. Your community are your investors and your backbone. Without them, this coin is worthless. Right now youre a fucking joke until you prove yourself. They have POD (proof of developer) for a reason, so people like you dont keep scamming investors. And you are a scammer until you prove otherwise. You've made this gimmicky website that you are begging donations for. You keep telling us you found developers and that they need donations to work, meanwhile you havnt proven any of what you have been saying. You're as much of a scammer as the original developers. So prove me wrong...what you need is POD, a NEW THREAD, and some kind of road map or plans to show potential investors the vision you and your "team" has. These are essential for coins nowadays.
I will keep searching for developers, because you obviously are a little kid judging from your last two posts.
I tell you what...hop into freenode IRC, channel #shieldcoin and talk to me in real time, but chances are you wont because youre a fucking noob scam artist.