Well, this can't be correct right? 5 Siacoin Miners with 1 board down. Gives me supposedly at (with 1 board down) 2,450gh at 0.0065582884 Siacoin USD price
This miner actually reminds me of the KnCMiner Jupiters pictured below.
People who ordered it initially had no idea it was going to be a very profitable miner. I think they sold in Aug/Sept 2013 and by then the price of BTC was maybe $150, however in November 2013 when it was delivered it was $1100 and these units I think were able to pull in $500 a day. It was probably the most profitable miners every released and 100% of all customers were satisfied with the ASICs.
yep...Oct 18th, 2013 my first KNC Jupiter. I made about 1 BTC a day and the price that day, if I remember correctly was $150 USD per BTC!
I got this unit with 1/2 paid for knc unit, with sold game of thrones swords (book version...HBO sued them..they pointed out they had permission from the
books to make all weapons etc..HBO had to pay big and crawl to get them on anyway, due to the HBO series the swords I had gone up
in value paid for 1/2 ..I was bored and gonna put up the lost gonzo bbs game server again anyway...(big bbs) that was a $75 or so month in electric
cost loss anyway ...again bored...
So I got this KNC Jupiter BTC miner instead. Figured I'd help the newly developed 'microlending' in India and crypto. Did a chart from that 0ct 18th 2013
date..that MAYBE with the gradual difficulty rise, I maybe could pay off the KNC miner in 8 months and maybe, just maybe mine enough for Utilities paid
on the house for say 4-6 months as a bonus. So essentially my entire BTC HODL hoard and altcoins and retire early this last Jan 13th, 2018 (living on altcoins
till full 66 years and take soc security and full traditional stocks etc then..trying to HODL BTC still)
Is due to me being 'bored' and wanting to put up the game server again and did this for 'egalitarian' reasons..microlending in India and of course to not
spend $75 in electric, for the game server hobby out of pocket. So ALL my crypto benefits come from this (1) KNC Jupiter BTC miner that cost me $5,131.80.
It paid its own way electric wise etc as I doubled down in equipment etc since. To generate the crypto I have to retire early and the BTC HOLD hoard.
I'm out of mining MAYBE I THOUGHT by Jan 1st, 2019.
But hell, maybe siatech will get a network up that works ....sillier things have happened my 5 obelisk doorstops from the last 2 months turned
on suddenly now an making $$$ due to a fork and the network going down to like 12% of some such of what it was previously.
Life is odd indeed above