Duffman is Wulffman
he does all the scam visuals.
Holy crap I know. It's amazing. 2 people have proposed solutions. One of them is Wulfcastle, a guy that was on the inside and is most likely the Silkcoin dev, has been a member of this forum for 2 months and has a history of proven scams. The other guy is a senior member whom is probably the best developer to ever post on this forum and has a history of being a helpful, honest guy with nothing to gain. He uses his real name on the forum! I mean I don't know for sure but I doubt "Wulfcastle" is Wulfcastle's real name (could be wrong). I'm actually shocked that bholzer would even offer his time for this thing. I mean yeah I've had arguments with the guy in the past but holy fuck you are offered the golden ticket and everybody is opting to pass on it and go with the guy that just finished scamming them with the very coin he is offering to turn around. Round 2 eh? Just let this thing die I say because you guys are hopeless. If Wulfcastle pulls this off I think that should be called a "hat trick." Rip a bunch of people off, pretend to be somebody else and offer to help, the very people you ripped off pay you more money to make it right, then you rip them off again.
to both of you
did you ever heard about 'flat design' ?
go to image google search for 'flat design', you'll see lot of scammer doing the same shit lol
you have some serious communication problem,
even if some of your points are valid or thru, your communication skills completely destroy them
Yeah - flat design sure. It's the latest craze. Have you ever heard of the exact same guy doing the voiceover in 3 straight scams now? All videos made by Wulfcastle? In fact, he hasn't contributed to any project to date that wasn't proven to be a scam. You guys are seriously retarded. I don't care how much you hate me all I've done is tell it how it is this whole thread and you would think at this point people would at least be willing to consider the possibility I know what I'm talking about. You hand the keys over to this guy and you're handing the keys over to the exact same guy that just scammed you! They're the same person!