Don't you people have anything better to do than waste time with this shitcoin ?
Don't you have anything better to do than trolling?
I've read almost the complete thread. I remember a lot of primer-'s posts talking about an incompetent dev and Slimcoin being a shitcoin. That's what the world needs to know.
Thank you for warning us.
Thank you primer- for sharing your professional attitude with us!
My assessment of Slimcoin is a bit different, though.
I'm aware of the trouble with forks.
I'm aware of the trouble with PoS.
Nevertheless I think that the orginal dev has made a hell of a job implementing a working implementation of Proof of Burn!
That for sure would need more fine tuning.
And some of it was done by a123, e.g. the removal of PoS.
I can say that both the Windows version and the Raspberry version compiled by a123 work fine. Couldn't test the linux version, though (because I have a 32 bit operating system).
The forks seem to be no big problem any more, although the network seems to be quite small.
The security of the block chain is ensured by both the PoB and PoW blocks that have a decent trust value after a123's adjustments.
I want to say something more about PoB, because I got intrigued by it.
It may solve one of the big problems that are inherent with PoS solutions.
In PoS systems with an annual reward it's not important when you mint. You'll get your reward. You might lose compound interest, but you'll get your reward. You are not bound to countinuously contribute to security (unless you are aware that this is necessary to protect the value of your coins.). You don't lose the coinage unless you transfer them.
The PoB approach is somewhat different. After you have burned coins, they start to decay. That happens over time no matter whether or not you mint. If you don't mint after having burned coins, that is a loss, because the coins are gone.
You are incentivized to continuously mint hoping for some minted PoB blocks.
This can lead to a continuous burning and minting.
If very few coins are burned, the difficulty is low and it's worth burning only a little amount of coins to successfully mint PoB blocks (which should have quite high rewards if I got it right that the reward is inversely proportional to the diff).
So there's an incentive to burn coins.
And once they are burned, you need to mint to become compensated by PoB rewards.
That is, dear primer-, something completely different than a shitcoin.
It's a revolutionary approach to secure a block chain energy efficiently with interesting economical attributes!
I'm quite sad that the further development is (temporarily?) ended.
@d5000 if you'd like I can create a snapshot of the block chain and upload it somewhere. I don't know where your trouble comes from. Both the Windows and the raspberry client had no issues downloading the block chain.
I started from a123's snapshot.
Here's my current peerinfo (I've not checked for differences from the last one; I hope there's something helpful in it):
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1420902869,
"lastrecv" : 1420902888,
"conntime" : 1420866559,
"version" : 60003,
"subver" : "/Satoshi:0.6.3/",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"height" : 207879,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1420902865,
"lastrecv" : 1420902887,
"conntime" : 1420866607,
"version" : 60003,
"subver" : "/Satoshi:0.6.3/",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"height" : 207880,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1420902868,
"lastrecv" : 1420902887,
"conntime" : 1420866788,
"version" : 60003,
"subver" : "/Satoshi:0.6.3/",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"height" : 207880,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1420902869,
"lastrecv" : 1420902887,
"conntime" : 1420867608,
"version" : 60003,
"subver" : "/Satoshi:0.6.3/",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"height" : 207887,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1420902869,
"lastrecv" : 1420902887,
"conntime" : 1420867609,
"version" : 60003,
"subver" : "/Satoshi:0.6.3/",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"height" : 207887,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1420902869,
"lastrecv" : 1420902888,
"conntime" : 1420868323,
"version" : 60003,
"subver" : "/Satoshi:0.6.3/",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"height" : 207899,
"banscore" : 0
My slimcoin.conf includes these peers: