The guy who controls the money is so arrogant that he has made fun of the loss of the ICO investors.The same ones that gave $ for your salary.
Than the same guy went from taking selfies in dark rooms before SNM to travel all arround the world in exotic locations, driving ferraris ,living the life
Than he comes once a month to post some troll post on telegram thats it.SNM has their very own McAffee
This is what is the typical behavior of the guy who collected 42mln $ and now the market cap of the coin is 7mln and the investors are xx times down.
From today snm official telegram room ,during the usual pump and dump based on a signal by one of the largest P&D groups: is the attitude that was shown for more than an year now.Total disrespect to the investors. And this is the head of SNM.The guy that controls the ICO funds.
That is the only kind of post that guy has ever done for 1.5 years now.Never ever faced the community,never ever took responsibility for anything,while
travelling all around the world parading with his fancy lifestyle...
Btw i still stand by my words that SNM will be out of top 300 by the end of the year. I have said that when SNM was number 250.
It is so obvious that this will be another dead russian project like their partner Chronobank.TIME had the exact path as SNM .They were top 100 coin,
than top 150 , than you can see it by yourself.Abandoned project that just couldnt get any adoption and as most of the projects out there especially the russian
ones was designed from the start to be a money grab.
BTW how is the dragonchain hype going? It lasted a day like coinone exchange right?
![Roll Eyes](
Alos your cult leader CTO was just saying how all that crypto partnerships are useless and few days ago when there was the vote,the team even tried to
get votes from some miner groups on telegram in desperate attempt to get something going to take the attention off from the important stuff.
That is just pathetic.While the main measure of the adoption and the use of the system "the tokens in the side chain" are at the same level as the start :
Currently 214831.4407 SNM are in the side chain, which are 0.0483854596171171% of the total supply.But have you ever seen the team talk about this ? Why is that?