have you got second WATERSCOURTCD for last beta season?
I don't have any WATERSCOURTCD but I did participate in season 7
so we won't get any althoug it was promised?
Sorry to hear you didn't get a card. The details to be eligible for one where posted on here and on the blog.
Definitely not weak. SOG has been managed very well. As an initial backer, I'm happy with or without WATERSCOURTCD. I just don't understand why I missed it.
From the link above:
To thank you for having played and tested between the end of season 6 until now, we will give 1 WATERSCOURT card to each registered player, who have successfully finished at least one level and have linked their Counterparty wallet to their SoG account. If you have not linked your wallet to your game account yet, you have until September 25th, midnight CEST to do so. Then we will distribute the rewards.
I received a few BITCRYSTALS for participating in Season 7. This seems to indicate that everything was set up proper. I played several "levels" and opened up every area on the map. My account was linked when linking first came available. I don't understand what "double linking" @sutefyzz was referring to. On my profile page I have linked my counterparty address. I don't follow needing to "Link your bcy address from SoG in Your counterparty wallet". There is no mention of this in the link above.
Rewards for Season 7 were for everyone with a linked account. WATERSCOURTCD was only for people who linked their accounts by September 25th.
So if you didn't link your account by September 25th Midnight CEST (Swiss Time) you didn't get into the WATERSCOURTCD distribution list,
however you may have still got rewards for participating in Season 7 in BCY. And remember that Season 7 actually started a few days after the 25th.