does anyone have the latest sp20 firmware , as the sd recovery reverts it back tot he original fw
also if anyone needs copies of the sd recovery , or sd boot images i have both
might be getting a hold of you (will wait may just use them as doorstops) someone is giving me for shipping an sp10,sp20,sp30 if I only had an ice fishing house
I needed a space heater for and inet access I'd be all set (and ear plugs)
sheesh...but always wanted some ..may just fire them up to look them over....but at 14c kwh probably (er likely) not gonna run them (unless the furnace goes out and I
really really need loud space heaters)
anyway couple weeks I may be asking for help on here just to watch them run
ouch i have a hard time running my sp20's at full power at 4c kwh
at full power ur talking a 2+$ a day loss on a full power sp20 at 14c kwh