try the same calculation in $$-it is worse.
if you add the BTC depreciation since May 2014, of course it's worse. However, I bought the units with BTC (actually converted LTC mined with GPU cards since 2012).
It's tough to do all the calculations in USD or CAD for that matter, I mined them over the years .. What I know for sure is what I spent for electricity and/or customs fees on new hardware. It's a good chunk to support my "hobby" .. but there are more expensive hobbies out there.
Else, BTC is still "monopoly money" .. having real value only when you cash it out .. and after you pay your taxes.
Adjusting the profits with respect to the difficulty will not make the things interesting .. only complicated. And the result won't be a profit and loss report, but only a forecast. You just need to report your cash flow in the currency you choose .. then you calculate what happened.