waiting for the
"sold out" sign on curent batches
Almost pulled the trigger but saw they wanted $119 for shipping. I hit the little red x.
yeah it comes to 814 . if you have a psu that will work these are pretty good
if you do not have a psu the s-4's may be a better deal for you.
an s-4 comes to 930 .
I have a house full of s-3's and psu's. the sp20 is a good upgrade for me.
my goal is sell 6 s-3's they use 2200 watts and 2 evga's 1300 g2 to hash 2760gh
I should be able to run 3 sp20's use 2280 watts and the same 2 evga's to hash 4000gh
I save :
3)power efficiency
plus I get 1.2th more hash
with the sale of the 6 s-3's my cost to upgrade is okay say 3 x sp20's = 2500 - 1200 for the 6 s-3's = an outlay of 1300.
If I mine the sp20's for 3 months I get back the 1300. but i had the psu's on hand
You just want to play with new tech-totally understandable.
Otherwise, what prevents you from just keeping your 6 S3-you said that they already paid for themselves and they are very-very profitable (with zero cost and 10c/kw electricity), especially considering the heat. I calculated that if you include heat savings, each S3 uses just $20-21/mo and produces ~$55-61/mo right now.
That said, I am greatly salivating at Sp-20 just because I want something new, maybe will pull the trigger anyway.
I am thinking of putting Sp-20 possibly in upstairs attic that is not air conditioned.
Have anybody done this (Sp-20 at wildly fluctuating temperatures)?
well remember I had 12 s-3's moved 3 out down to 9 s-3's moving 3 more out drops me to 6 s-3's.
and now the 3 sp20's .
so I will have 9 pieces of gear not 12.
my space and my power is limited. I can fit 12 s-3's
Actually I can 15 s-3's in my garage and 2 in my friends office in terms of space.
in terms of power I can run 12 s-3's in my garage and 2 s-3's in my friends office. this would be realistic for the winter and doable. max of 6.5th
having 4 sp20's and 6 s-3's max of 8.6th
better yet 7 sp20's no s-3's works better. 9.1th max .
my issue is power cost is high in NJ :
16 cents JUNE 1 to Sept 30
10 cents OCT 1 to May 31--------------with the bonus heat savings factored in.
I get .55-.57 watts with the sp20 underclocked
The s-3's go down to .74 watts maybe .68 with the pencil mod.
The extra efficiency means a lot. So for me the change over from s-3 to sp20 makes sense. I stay in the game longer and this gives me more time for the bull runs like March-April 2013 or Oct- Nov 2013.
Those 4 months made more for me then the other 25 months of mining I have done.