seriously? you have one mighty garage with a 150-200A dedicated box...jealous.
at 16750 Watts or 16.75kW based on 220V (Standard US 220V service) that means you have more than 150 amps available. This compare to most homes that only have 200 amp service for their whole home. :-)
Also that would mean 80 amp breakers for each circuit.... or I guess you could do 6 15 amp 220 V circuit per machines... That will be one HOT garage!!!!
On the plus side.... Your garage will be heated all winter. :-)
The garage is detached from my house. When I bought the house, the garage was fed electricity off of the house via a 60A 240V line. Since the garage is a separate building from my house, I was allowed to install a dedicated service onto the building even though I'm in a residential zone. Had a 200A service installed this summer at a cost of $1600 CAD, and am now using about 140A of it. Technically I have 400A available to me since the house also has a 200A service, but I don't plan on using it anymore. I was lucky enough to have my wife tolerate 2 years of in house + garage mining. Now I'll only bring in a few quiet miners for the winter, likely Titan and Neptune hardware to heat the place.
Unfortunately due to the obvious business opportunities and reduced support costs it has become a trend for manufacturers to cater to the larger clientele and large volume Build To Order.
Thankfully. We haven't been left completely out of the loop, yet. Too bad Spondoolies aren't part of the "good" guys anymore.