You'll be able to order now and add the hosting option later.
The shipment cost will be credited towards the hosting.
Hosting will allow full control of your machine.
At any point, you may decide to terminate hosting and to ship the machine or just disconnect it.
If you'll decide to host, the burn-in tests will be to your wallet.
Only 6 bundles left for April + July
Well you said that hosting was an option to April + July bundle and I made a buy based on that decision. I hope there are no problems getting the hosting for April SP10.
Also April + July had free shipping so there are no shipping cost that can be credited but I thought that you were not making more money from us if we decide to host instead of ship and so your post implied that we would get some free hosting as well.
Website is continuously down...
No Site => No customer => No money
I have the same problem. After contacting my ISP and doing some troubleshooting their hosting provider seems to be blacklisting a bit to many IP's. If I use the TOR browser, I can reach their website just fine. You could try that as well.
I can, but this is not really "user friendly". And a blocked IP is a very bad sign for company's trust...