Azure require you apply.
If anybody can apply for the addition of a coin, why hasn't this happened already?
If only lead devs can make the application, what kind of centralized bullshit is this?
Nobody is the king of spreadcoin.
Sure, direction of development is based on some form of meritocracy (whoever brings the most to the table, gets to indicate the direction),
but like in any true decentralized system, any participation or affiliation of any member, miner, node operator, etc.. is completely decided by themselves.
Again, if you coins101 or any other member want to apply for a partnership with microsoft,
then please go ahead and do so.
But why exactly do you need
"Devs to direct some attention away from development to get Spreadcoin on the Azure platform" ?
Sounds like there is some hidden catch to all this,
No, I'm joking.
Please contact Microsoft, and ask if it is allowed to just loosely join as a "subset" of the spreadcoin community. Or if the microsoft borg-queen has more specific orders.
Anyway, we have tons of interesting stuff in the making, and microsoft will surely be interested in this.