coins, is your signature directed at anyone in particular? Small blockers, perhaps?
Small blocks + segwit = bigger blockchain, probably 700GB by the next halving. SPR wins
Big blocks, blockchain probably 300GB-500GB by next halving. SPR wins
Big blocks + segwit. SPR wins
Customers not paying on time ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
SPR has a royal flush.
Speaking of customers paying on time... how do you envision payments working with the DSDN services? Do companies pay through cryptocurrency or fiat, both?
That's great question.
I was thinking about Bitcoin, although SPR is so much easier:
> Download SPV
> load it with
BTC> Click SPV option to create secure link with your own full node
> Initiate swapping of public / private keys signing to set-up secure connection
> Initiate
BTC payment (this step also helps with man-in-the-middle attacks)
> This is where using SPR is easier - you can connect with a ServiceNode operator
> Anyway, pay ServiceNode operators
BTC address
> They confirm secure link between your new full node hosted somewhere and your SPV
> This is actually a way to generate a proof of running a full node
> Pay every month to keep up the service