how would you do a token
you beg on your forum PUNZ. You can not even go on an exchange with your shit.
return to Mr eggman ,milli6 you are a winning team.
milli6 see his STRB Forum.
good luck to Sprout +
We would love to stop discussions of negativity, because we of Sprouts+ development team realize that this will only hurt the Sprouts(+) brand. But we also feel we have to set things straight, as we are no scammers and only have the best intensions for Sprouts holders. We do not force anyone to join the Sprouts+ movement, or swap to Sprouts+. We are open, transparant, honest and keep everything factual instead of coming up with false assumptions, alternative facts or false accusations to slander people we do not know. As we focus on the facts we would like to shed our light on the Sprouts development team spamming this Sprouts+ ANN. Only facts.
Seems like Milli6 and Mr.Eggman, the key figures, are a match made in heaven.
Milli6 leaving his STRB (SuperTurboStake) to die since 2016 after making a lot of promises (, and Mr.Eggman leaving Sprouts to die (which is a well known fact by all Sprouts holders):
1) Both created an extremely high PoS coin;
2) Both came with a lot of promisis to keep people believing and buying;
3) Both left the scene when shit hit the fan, because they could not follow through with their promises;
4) Both coins are not successful or healthy in any way;
5) Both coins have nothing to show for besides promises and an outdated wallet;
6) Both developers now try to spread negativity...
Now both, Milli6 and Mr. Eggman, smell the opportunity thanks to hard work of the Sprouts+ development team, and community backing steal the thunder now Sprouts, in the body of Sprouts+, is in the spotlight again. Some people follow them blind, as so many have done before and have been ditched when they where not of any further use.
Just calling out facts here. No assumptions, no false accusations, as you can read/see for yourself.