I am going to take this a step further, and say its a bad idea to invest in it. You are now making an investment in someone elses coin selection, someone elses management (centralized) , someone elses technological idea. Not within your own. The point about (well now you dont need to research all these things) - if you are not researching what you are investing in then what the hell are you doing wasting your money ?
think about it.
here is how i understand it.
there will be two groups of coins. The big guys and the normal ones. The big guys will be the "core" and the normal ones will be the ones looking to use the core features.
the "core" coins will be selected based on the unique feature that they can offer. this is my opinion. maybe the dev will chose from other features. but mainly i see the, being something that will be used by most of the coins.
the normal coin should be ones that show great volume in market and future plans. They will be most likely made of not many compelling features and it will not be expected to have features that other coins will use.
Basically the core coins will profit from the normal coins using their feature. The normal coins , being linked up with the core coins , they will benefit using the core coins feature. Think of a copypasta coin joining. all of the sudden they can say that their coin can now send coins out with annon features.
it is hard to understand what and how they normal coin will have to go through to use the annon feature. Let say a normal coin caller NORMALCOIN (aka NORM) and this coin has joined the superNET. To me , the way i see it so far is that , the jLlibrary will link NORM with NXT feature. especially the exchange. NORM coin will be linked with the same exchange as BBR coin that has the annon feature.
now let say i have a friend who i want to send 100k NORM but i want to hide this exchange so i want to use annon feature. I guess i put in the send info (my friends addres and amount) then open an other tab and select annon feature. and send the coin. after certain of times my friend will recieve the NORM coin that came via Annon transactions.
Now here is what i am having trouble to see so this is also my guess. In the back end. Norma and BBR are connected to the same exchange thanks to NXT. I believe when i send my coins , in the back end my coins with auto sell via a bot scrypt , to the highest buyer of NXT. then these nxt will be used to autobuy the lowest sell order of BBR. These BBR will be send to my friend accounts therefore utilizing the annon feature. those BBR coins will autobuy the first sell order of next. then the next will auto sell to the first buy order for NORM coin and these NORM coins will finally we seen in my friends wallet.
Maybe it will not use NXT coins but it will go straight into NORM>BBR >>send BBR coin>>BBR>NORM>>receive NORM
There fore Core coins will gain from people utilizing their features and normal coin can gain to use features that they do not have.
again , that whole process was my understanding of it. If it basically the way i understand it than this model goes to benefit the CORE coins more. JL has mentioned that normal coin users can choose not to use the features. The normal coin will loose coins as they go through these process due to the spread of the trades but i am sure with proper marketing this will not be bad. Example. send NORM coins with tiny fees. Send NORM coin with SuperNET feature and it will cost you %0.30 fees.
I am sure some people will not mind paying a fee to use features.
Overall the idea is nice but it expects every coin community to play fair.
there is an other thing i havent understood well exactly. Before any coin is added JL has to buy or be given %10 of all the coin or something. I don't understand how that is justified. one person should not own %10 of any coin.