Am I a
trampoline for pointing out that you need to present your proposal better?
most certainly not!
Did you get the feeling that I was
too lazy to read and think when you were reading my question?
most certainly not!
thoughtful enough for you to answer?
most certainly not! In fact it was the MOST thoughtful and required the most time for me to answer.
How come you have failed (once again) to present the actual percentages of ownership of the assets you mention above that
will be in the very center of the SuperNET core?
Well this is the first time such a question has been asked. Looking at your first question, it was not so specific. I dont spend much time tallying all the details, but since you asked I will do so. above shows in near realtime my personal holdings. I dont check it so often, it is a pleasant surprise to see it at 63 million NXT, last I checked it was under 40 million. So this is ~3500 BTC at this moment, but it is not so liquid at all.
The key holdings are:
64% of sharkfund0, which in turn owns 11% of BTCD and 10% of BBR, and other assets. I post the breakdown in the Sharktales thread about the sharkfund0. Most notably it has 20% of NXTprivacy, 10% of InstantDEX, 12% of JLH, ~10% of coinomat
18% of JLH, which generally has 10% of my assets, so this boosts my indirect ownership by ~2%
1.5% of MGW. I wasnt kidding when I said I gave away the majority of MGW, sold a bunch more at 50% discount. My only JLH is indirectly via the other assets
30% of NXTventure. This is the asset that issues dividends in the form of other assets than it is able to. No, it wont be able to do a SuperNET dividend. I am thinking that this is one is not something for the SuperNET core as it is not of cash value and not directly an operating asset.
53% of NXTprivacy, but this is too much and I am planning to sell to get below the 50%, just that the initial amounts are still not selling out so I have to wait. Wait, I just checked and it seems it did sell out. Just been too busy to track this. So, I just put 50000 NXTprivacy for sale and also transferred 75000 to NXTventure. Again, I make a mistake. I had thought there should be 100K NXTprivacy for a dividend, but of course the dividend was already sent out. I shall ask to get this xfer reversed. I am personally making sure that the assets are performing well for their holders. NXT investors can attest to how I have been doing. The NXTprivacy is where the Teleport fees will be flowing through. Though the BTCD community decides to make Teleport free for some time period, so these revenues will be waiting until next year. There is also the 30% ownership of the cryptocard asset (anon card that coinomat will handle), but this card is not available until late September or even October, but 30% of the cryptocard asset means 0.3% of transactions. NXTprivacy also owns 50% of Privatebet and it will pass through these dividends to NXTprivacy holders.
47% of NXTcoinsco (which really should be name Tradebots), this is below the 50% and it is my plan to sell more to get to below 40%, but the market is not so understanding of its value as I am not really pushing about it, so I cannot feel it is right to sell more when it is so undervalued. I hope you can understand. My instincts for getting a decent price for value outweighs the instincts for reducing the ownership level. The Tradebots are not very well explained yet. The reason is that I was just in the process of adding library functions to the Turing complete scripting language called "C" that I implemented. Now, before you get all excited that this is some sort of etherium thing, please calm. The Tradebots are node specific. So this is no attempt for decentralized anything. It is totally centralized, but for each person. For example, you are wanting to make some arbitrage trading automatic. Now, you find some markets that have nice juicy profits, the last thing you want are a zillion identical bots doing the same thing! So, there is good value for this customized tradebot. Since it is something just for your own computer, then it becomes possible to make it have access to all functions that are available, eg. Teleport, InstantDEX, bitcoin RPC, website API, etc. Basically anything possible is possible, after all "C" is a turing complete language so millions of programmers are familiar with it (though it seems that most have moved on to "better" languages). So, this is totally opposite spectrum from any synchronized blockchain of turing complete scripting. That being said, I think it could well be possible to make linked-tradebots. These would all be running the same algo using the same input data and then toss in some data synchronization with network API, and do this on a regular basis. I think then we have some sort of custom blockchain maintained only by the nodes that are running this exact linked-tradebot. So this leads to a possibility of an arbitrary number of blockchains that are maintained just by the nodes that download a specific linked-tradebot from the Tradebot store. I am also making a way for tradebot creators to publish their tradebots in the Tradebot store and to share profits that they are making for their customers. So, if you are thinking about the possible revenue sharing of the profit sharing, Tradebot store and other things (like InstantDEX revenue sharing), then the NXTcoinsco asset is probably the most underpriced of all my assets at this moment. Since I am still a ways from having all these things in place, it is not a priority to communicate these things as I am quite busy with many other things.
I only have 7% of InstantDEX, having given away 30% and soldoff big chunks to early investors. InstantDEX is where the peer to peer trading commissions will flow through. half to its asset holders and half to various other parties, like MGW, NXTcoinsco, BTCD stakers. It is documented in the NXT forum these details.
Privatebet I dont own any directly, but it is owned by NXTprivacy for 50%+ and NXTventure, but there some sell orders to be selling it so NXTventure will then dividend out the Privatebet that is remaining and will end up with several percent and NXTprivacy will end up at 50%. Privatebet is the farthest from these operating assets to be finished so it is very early in its evolution. peer to peer sports betting and eventually some casino things make it nice potential, but until it is closer to beta then there is no urgency for me to be talking about it much. One thing of note is that Privatebet is doing equal partnership with hash (nxtforum) for some instantDICE, using some cool tech know how from Come-from-Beyond. At least we will if we win the auction. Not even sure the time it ends, sometime around now.
For those of you screaming about head exploding, too complicated, you can blame the Japanese: try to make each asset have a unique purpose and cross linked with other assets so they are a team to help each other if one falls down.
Now, how much of each of these assets will go into the SuperNET core? I havent worked out the exact percentage as I do not want to own any giant percentage of SuperNET. I will limit my ownership of SuperNET to 10%, so it is clear that only a subset of my assets will be going into SuperNET. I think it would make sense to have some equal amounts of each of the assets to go in as long as I am able to, so at a mimimum 7% of InstantDEX, NXTprivacy, NXTcoinsco, sharkfund0. If more than this amount comes in I will keep increasing the percentages of the other assets till they are exhausted and so on. I think this is a decent allocation. If anybody has a better plan, I am open to hear it.
As to the bonus, while I think I could rightly claim the 15% bonus for early bird, since there is no provision for funding with assets and it is not exactly NXT, I will not be claiming any bonuses for my assets being put into the core. I know some will complain that I am allowed this unique ability to get SuperNET for assets, but I hope the community will allow me this one benefit.
Or is the
nice stash of yummy chocolates only for those that will continue to be under the impression that
SuperNET owners will be entitled to 100% of the
How many
yummy chocolates does one get if he/she decides to pay more attention to the potential/imaginary
click auctioning revenues?
I sure hope I am not conveying that SuperNET will be getting 100% of the dividends from all the assets. It will only get the dividends proportional the the core assets it holds. And also that within each asset there is a typical sharing between the asset and various other parties, such things have been documented. I hope you are not asking me to fully document all of the details of all of the assets when all this information is already in the threads for each of the assets. This falls into the "GUI" category for me. If anybody is wanting to make such a nice chart and diagrams, then maybe there is even a bounty for this.
Due to the uncertainity involved with the R * N *T as I described in an earlier post, I am not capitalizing ANY of these dividends, nor am I including ANY of the click revenues. So, any that come in will be distributed as dividends and will be some extra bonus. Over time as there is more predictability to this R * N * T, then the market will capitalize SuperNET using a PE formula for the revenue side and adding the closed end expected NAV from the fund side.
For now, I am not charging for this future dividends or revenues, so I dont waste time guessing as to what R and N are. I probably could come up with some convincing points that R and N will be such and such and make projections months and years ahead and try to get people to pay for all this on a capitalized basis, but that's not me.
P.S. It seemed better to keep NXTventure NXTprivacy ~10% so I did a marketrate swap for 9.4% of JLH. Now I am around 27% of JLH and 40% of NXTprivacy