For those that are still thinking if Supernetwork helps other coins, it must hurt BTCD. Let me explain the math.
100,000+ nodes will do quite a lot of InstantDEX, Teleport, Privatebet, Tradebots, etc. Plus add in dozens of additional services from other coins. In the center of all this is BTCD. We are the center of the spiral. Let other coins make their money, everybody needs money. I think that is why it is called money.
BTCD is what allows all this to happen and even if just a small percentage of the overall commerce spills into BTCD revenue share it will be a giant boost to the value of BTCD. I have not worked out all the numbers, but with all this revenues being generated, we can definitely make it a cash positive decision for the other coins, while sharing in the business each coin adds.
Think of it like a company that used to be not so big. They allowed others to make money and they charged some fee for this. Maybe you heard of this company called google? When they select a website to join their AdWords, the website is now making new money from new traffic that otherwise goes elsewhere. A market based auction process allows the website to determine how much to spend for the click. I dont think there is a need to setup fee auctions, but maybe at some point it does. So, the website can choose to tap into traffic that otherwise it cant.
Not exactly the same business model, but I hope you understand the similarities. Basically each coin that joins Supernetwork adds its nodes and that allows all the other nodes to benefit from it, and with cross marketing of the top performing services, yes I think I will do a google Adwords style bidding!, the most popular services are shown first and the user is more likely to select this service. I am glad to write this post, I hadnt solved the way to prorate the Supernetwork fees, but google already solved this!
I see a page that is shown that lists the most popular services and the ones that are paying the most to be shown. At first maybe not paid ads, but then even a low bid gets top placement, so some bidding happens and the market can decide how much it is worth to be the top features Supernetwork service. Now these "clicks" will actually not be just clicks but directly invoking the service, so it is what is called a "conversion", the ultimate goal of direct response advertising. The conversion.
Now if anybody had any doubts as to the value of Supernetwork on BTCD, I hope you are able to estimate the market discovered prices to be the top listing. I will need to share the revenues from this with the node that generated the click, so this is like a rebate for the user, since they are paying for the click, but they also get some percentage. Then there is a general revenue share that each coin gets. I think it is good to track thing per coin, this way for the people that just cant help themselves from competing with other coins, the competition can be which coin is making the most revenues.
Some some small amount for BTCD as the enabler multiplied by all the users of the Supernetwork using all the services that are available.
I am not able to make an estimate for the possible revenues at this point
P.S. Of course as the 2.0 crypto platform, NXT is a big beneficiary from this too. I design things so that everyone wins
Do not forget, you're a dev of BTCD and You must support BTCD much more than others .