Bitcointalk is one thread of a multitude of information that 99% of people will not read
Are you SYS social community manager? Really? This attitude explains SERIOUS communication problem here.
I'm not sure I understand your concern, I'm simply stating that even if people come to our thread, they will not read 99% of the important information that is needed to be relayed. One thread makes things completely convoluted.
Since you have trouble understanding basic English...
Maybe you can read a price chart... and see YOUR promotional handiwork.
Promotion = providing an Executive Summary to bring BUSY people up-to-date quickly...
I'm way too busy to log into 20-30 slack channels to read super-geeks joking among themselves.
If you met a hot girl would tell her "find me on slack"?
Yes, YOU probably would... and never see her again.
Because that hot girl has endless guys to choose from...
Just like every crypto investor has dozens of good options to invest in... with new ones every day.
BTW, a project's tech is entirely secondary to a rational Business Plan and expert promotion.
Which is why we have a website and put clear and concise updates on our blog section to ensure people do not have to siphon through information that is not pertinent to development like your last post...
We have a professional marketer (Andrew) and even though he's applying real-world marketing (not, hey let's post something on a forum and pray someone will read it), price has still gone down due to bitcoins price has going up (which is the case for most altcoins). I can tell you that when I started doing marketing on my end before Andrew, the price went up by 300%(with a very minimal amount of posts on bitcointalk) and since he has taken over it has gone down by 200% *that's still a 100% increase) -- and I am not criticizing the way Andrew does his marketing; it is STELLAR and rare in the industry but again there is not much to counteract these pump and dumps.. when bitcoin goes up, altcoins go down because people cash out to get bitcoin, and the cycle repeats itself when bitcoin goes down, typically though to the detriment of altcoins.
I have dated a few hot girls in my life and I can certainly assure you that the more you are desperate to get them, the less they want you; the more confident you are, the more they want you. Honestly though that analogy has absolutely nothing to do with crypto or a business(which in itself is also completely different from crypto).
You are too busy to go to slack where we have pinned updates that are easy to find? (nothing forces you to chat with people), yet you are not too busy to go through a bunch of toxic posts in a thread to find real up-to-date information? I really do not understand... Ok you don't want to go through a slack chat where you need to sign-up; fair enough, I understand that, but how does that prevent you from checking updates on or to check out @syscoin on twitter, or our facebook page, or our linkedin account?
Like I said, we are not leaving bitcointalk, and I will do my best to post pertinent updates. But for a team that actually does real ground-breaking development and does not copy-paste a coin like 99% of the ones that have traction here, bitcointalk is the last place you should be looking for updates.