Hey guys, Ive noticed in the latest updates my command for gpu allocation isnt working anymore, i was using -d 1,2 etc...
any ideas what the new 1 is?
Hmm that is strange, nothing has been (intentionally) changed. Can you post your anonymized full command line?
Im running through Awesome miner, so unsure where to find that sorry. All i know is the software will no longer run if i use -d 0,1,2. But if i remove that it runs to the wrong cards e.g. 3,4,5
Try running the diagnostic command in the toolbar. It should spit out the cmd line along with the miner start up. From there, you can start seeing where things are failing.
Hi Ncarter
thanks for the response i ran the diagnostics and got the following?
Initialize diagnostics (4)
Starting Diagnostics (30s). Awesome Miner Remote Agent version: 6.6
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
AMD driver version: 18.5.2
AMD OpenCL Platform ID: 0
Microsoft VC++ 2013 runtime installed: Yes
Microsoft VC++ 2015 runtime installed: Yes
Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 3
Engine Type: TeamRedMiner, Auto Download: True, EnginePath: , Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
Properties: (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: TeamRedMiner, IsProfitMiner: True)
C:\Users\LilRedRig\AppData\Roaming\AwesomeMinerService\teamredminer-v0.5.2-win_3\teamredminer-v0.5.2-win\teamredminer.exe -d 0,1,2 -a phi2 --bus_reorder -d 2,3,4 -o stratum+tcp://lux.pickaxe.pro:8332 -u LNRWWRPD6gGnpLUicpRcFVKUituE5z862w -p C=LUX,d=4 --api_listen=
Configured command line:
-d 0,1,2
> Team Red Miner version 0.5.2
> [2019-07-01 10:04:59] Only one -d argument allowed.
Failed to start miner process: Process has exited, so the requested information is not available.
Failed to start miner in Diagnostics mode
Diagnostics completed
It appears tho awesome miner or the miner it self it putting in --bus_reorder, how do i stop this so it only uses my command -d 0,1,2