Took forever to compile on a single core VPS and sync blockchain but finally finished setting up my first masternode.
that's a good news
Took forever to compile on a single core VPS and sync blockchain but finally finished setting up my first masternode.
It would be better to compile more quickly on your own (virtual) machine, and transfer binaries (snowgemd & snowgem-cli) to VPS
Simple Wallet is running in a Windows VM as all my mining rigs and other PCs are running Linux so what happens if I delete the VM? I have my wallet address private keys backed up.
If you have your private keys, you can restore your wallet everywhere, just go to tool -> import private keys then choose the privatekey files, your coin should be back.
How to unlock the 10k SNG?
What is masternode private key?
Should I backup masternode.conf/masternode private key?
Is there a "Stop MN" button?
What is masternode queue and how does it work?
What happens if the VPS provider suffers an outage?
What if I want to switch VPS?
To unlock the coin, delete the data in masternode.conf, set masternode=0 in snowgem.conf.
Masternode privatekey is only used in the process of signing the start masternode message and voting on proposals, and as such it is not particularly dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands.
You can backup the privatekey or not, it's not a problem here. If you lost that key, just create a new one and setup the masternode again in your alias VPS. You still can get your old masternode privatekey from your alias vps if you lost it on local machine.
What do you mean here? If you want to stop MN, just send the collateral coin to another address or set masternode=0 on your alias and restart the daemon.
Your location on the queue is depended on system vote, it's automatic process to make sure that allmasternodes will be received the reward correctly. 1 queue, in general, includes all MNs in network.
You must open the daemon ASAP after the outage, unless you need to start the alias again and your active time will be started from 0. For automatically opening the daemon after the outage, we have a guide here: you want to switch VPS, change your config on your local computer, setup new config on new vps and start the MN again.
Thanks for your questions.