Nov 2nd Terracoin Update - VarietyI have a variety of topics to talk about today!
First we have passed the 800 mark for masternodes! Not all of them are online right now, but once a hosting issue has been corrected with one of the VPS providers most should become enabled.
This is great news because that means more people can vote and interact with the decentralized governance.
Decentralized governance is the ability for every masternode owner to put in a proposal asking for Terracoin to fund their ideas to help Terracoin. If you own a masternode and would like to put in a proposal for TRC please follow the directions here: a proposal is put in then all of the masternode holders can vote on the proposal. Here is a link to the current proposals:
If you put in a proposal make sure your end_epoch time is after the up coming superblock! This is very important or you will not show up on the proposals page. The next super block is about 20 days away, so voting will end in about 18 days.
I know I keep talking about decentralized governance and proposals, but this is an important feature of Terracoin that some people are still unaware of.
Before the hard fork we made this video explaining it: this same vein, I also wanted to highlight a proposal that was put in by EyesWideShut because it is a good example of someone using the proposal process to not only help Terracoin, but to also help other people.
The proposal is here:, the proposal is for Terracoin to sponsor an asylum seeker and refugee soccer/football team in the UK. This will give us marketing exposure in a small way, but mostly it will show new investors what we are trying to do in the long term. Which is help people while we also grow the coin!
Next on the variety of things I wanted to talk about is that NovaExchange is shutting its doors so get your TRC out of there and into another exchange. This has caused the price to take a hit.
In a one two punch the Bitcoin price has surged leading to people dumping many altcoins including Terracoin.
Terracoin has been around a long time, and even to this day old holders appear not knowing that Terracoin is under development. I believe this means that there are people out there who just see that the price is way higher then it has been in years. They want to get some extra cash so they dump their TRC not knowing that Terracoin could explode at any moment.
Looking at Cryptopia's sell orders there is only 10 bitcoins between a 490% price increase.
What does this mean to you? It means now is a good time to pick up a few more masternodes so you can get the rewards, vote, and put in proposals.
Lastly, are you passionate about taking the reins on our marketing, and social media? Do you love to create content and use out of the box ideas to bring new people into the fold? Do you have that magic combination of creativity and organization to get things done? We are looking for an energetic, marketing & communications professional to join our team as a Marketing & Communications Specialist. Pay rates can be found in the team pay proposal located here: If you are interested please contact me on any of the sites below. Thanks!
If you made it all the way through, thanks for reading! Hopefully next time I will get a chance to talk about our future donations efforts!
Numbers30 days ago we were at 0.00006884 BTC (.3020 USD) and today we are at 0.00001935 BTC (.1351 USD).
A year ago we were at 0.00000483 BTC (.0035 USD).
We are ranked 343 on coinmarketcap with a market cap of $2,889,191 USD. Last week our market cap was $4,157,537 USD.
Source: Donations for the World Address1BQH6gBzkxxyMQG3VSJCHnmVGfWu64nbPL
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