Ha! Next lurker signs up For me it's been since early 2014 when DOGE was the latest hot thing and my friend was very excited about it. Haha! but that got me to Crypto.
The fellow new kid AiskeyZ is quite exact. It's whether we have a reborn Mother Teresa in Trumpdude or he's having some investment-related motives.. You, dear reader, decide yourself.
Enough OT'ing on Trumpguy, it's about TORCOIN anyway. The idea is good. As there seems to be a lot of excitement at the dev section, unfortunately there seems to be also a lot of naivety. I'm no lawyer, so I cannot really say whether you can use the name "Torcoin", but sure, it would be very good if you could. What some rediculous KimKoin or whatever KanyeWestCoin have done doesn't matter shit. You have to dig the law book, YES/NO. Let's be positive and imagine you can use the name. Next you shall get rid of EVERYTHING in the brand and content that is either stolen or plagiarized from https://www.torproject.org/. They are right now publicly signing themselves off from you (https://twitter.com/torproject/status/857297306571481088). BZZT! First big blunder. They think you're shit. But let's be positive again and think we live in a world of second chances. Now, after you have rebranded the coin, you work YOUR ASS OFF to make the tech 100% full-proof and build the number of nodes and recognition and prestige in the crypto community and your ultimate goal shall be the Tor Project ENDORSING your coin publicly. Then they will HELP YOU gaining recognition and that's a massive potential since their network of IT professionals is massive. However, that won't be easy and it won't help you replying their Tweets on Torcoin "GET STUFFED". That's not how you build business. You build business by showing them you are at the top of your game and a smart, experienced businessman and creating something valuable for them and people. You build business by creating win-win schemes and the Tor Project is what YOU need to create a win-win with. If you won't put your act together, someone will rip your idea and make it professional. I'll be watching when they emerge, because the idea is good. That'd be the doomsday scenario Trumpman is campaigning for. For his obvious motives, ha!(OT)
My 0.02$. Goodbye and good luck.