Can you is update me on status? How token sales go? Project will success?
As far as i can see,
Presale is over, soft cap is reached.
Project is moving forwards and we're expecting beta soon, amiright?
They only said after presale. So could be any Q in 2018
Really,any Q?All this time i thought beta is coming any day now,and i sure hope it comes before sale is over as it would really push it a bit more.
We are looking at having our basic version of our beta platform up this month. We will be constantly adding to it and updating it to include all of the features and more that we have promised.
~ Jake Ashby, COO TriForce Tokens
What does basic version mean? Just a shell or some functionality as well?
Basic version, means that it will only a few minimum features. We will be adding new features as we go.
~ Jake Ashby, COO TriForce Tokens
Looking forward to the basics at least...