4. With a neutral viewpoint, we can't say whether these two exchanges are under your control. But, then again, you two are anonymous devs, who knows what control you have in the first place. Was TradeSatoshi even an exchange that the consensus voted on? Or did the lead devs simply abruptly shove a btc into tradesatoshi to get it listed without any sort of community feedback? Surely the decentralized exchanges you're working on being added are cheaper than TradeSatoshi, if not free. I'm not certain why you would single out tradesatoshi as the exchange of choice. Surely alternative, better known exchanges could've been chosen with that same listing fee.
It is utterly ridiculous that you would expect the devs - or anyone - to waste time proving a negative. Your argument:
1) You're anon
2) You
might have controlled listing on TS/manipulated price/caused the Global Financial Crisis/rigged the US election/killed JFK
3) Therefore the onus is on you to prove you didn't.
It's pretty staggering Bebop gave you the courtesy of answering you at all.
I've been researching new alts to get into. The unprofessionalism that goes on in this thread turned me off.
I'm not sure whether or not the collective negative responses coming from others who merely question some aspects of the coin, its events, and its anonymous creators are true or false.
However the coin's supporters reply calling these critics "flat earthers" and "JFK conspiracy theorists". It just makes the coin look more scammy.
I don't agree with anonymous developers for centralized crypto.
But from what I can tell, turtlecoin is doing the anon thing the correct way. They're trying to make a statement that it's not the devs who matter, but the coin's following. The devs ultimately don't have more power than the coin's active members.
But I'd like to offer a caveat to that as well. It seems as though only the two anonymous devs have the power to kick people from the turtlecoin discord. They took away all administration right from all mods and administrative.
If they can do that for the main community, they could just as easily do so for other aspects of the coin, including development.
Just a caveat. It's only decentralized on its face, it can go centralized with a few clicks
That is a fair point, and my unprofessionalism is a bit of an embarrassment. In many ways I wish i'd never interacted in the first place, but removing my posts would be a far greater error in judgement right now.
I am sorry that this thread was such a negative for you, as obviously that was not the intention. But I do take FUD and mis-truth very personally, and sadly I overreacted.
It is very hard to remain civil when you have been called a liar, or incompetent, but I certainly should have. Maybe at the age of 40 I am still not mature enough to interact with people semi-anonymously on forums such as these.
I guess the thing I find the hardest is people taking a little grain of knowledge and filling in a whole backstory, which is in most cases completely fictional. Then when trying to explain what actually happened (and things that can be verified), you get called a liar or that you are changing your story. You end up going down a mine shaft of constantly retorting and trying to set records straight when actually, the arguments are impossible to answer as the response is always a change of question or an accusation.
I spent a long time writing the original [ANN] post, trying to explain that we are "just another clone", but with what we hope is the potential for more. I was hoping to negate the barrage of abuse that nearly always accompanies an announcement here in this scenario.
But to be clear, I have no problem with people calling is a shitcoin, or a scam. I mean realistically, it hurts a little ,but it also upsets the community that is working hard to build something. But, believe it or not, I am mature enough to understand that you can't win everyone over, and sometimes the only proof that will do is when the coin is still around and no-one has scammed anyone. But people will form their own opinions and I am happy for that, it's a free world after all.
The reason I so fervently try to set the record straight is that people come here to learn about the coin, they see lots of FUD, lots of fictional opinion and it is just not helpful for anyone. I mean the ability to make an RPC call to any running daemon with access without any kind of authentication is an absolute fact, unless you take steps to secure it yourself. But then it still means you are vulnerable to malware attacks stealing your crypto. For me it was a fairly simple statement, I was not expecting accusations, for the dev team to be vilified and for statements to be made that were overtly and provably inaccurate.
People will read those comments and think that the dev team is a joke, and that is a very personal thing for us as I simply don't believe that to be true. There are some seriously talented people working on this, and it will take time, and it will be bumpy from time to time but ultimately we are moving forward and learning from all the mistakes that are made.
Anyhow, thanks for contributing to the discussion, it was a sobering read (and before that is brought up again, I don't even drink, it's just an expression).