Update from the USDe Dev TeamOk... Did we miss anything interesting in the last 3 or so hours? We've seen a lot of discussions about USDe value. Our own take on where we see USDe going, is we're competing with fiat currency, and the goal is to see how many fiat-using converts we can generate -- up to and including major retailers accepting USDe and real people receiving salaries paid in USDe. Ambitious? We think so. Not achievable? Not if we have you on board, everyone who contributes and makes our less than 2 week old USDe project stand apart from the crowd! [loud applause!]
We have a challenging road ahead of us, and promising that 1USDe will be $10 or more at this point would be premature, because our success is dictated by our willpower, knowledge, commitment & collective effort. For those of you thinking that establishing a new economy in the real world, outside of crypto is an easy task, you should know that the U.S. 'fed' will stop devaluing the dollar immediately... really...! kidding, of course Now a handful of updates of what we're doing and how you can help us:1) We need to hire
2 decent graphics illustrators, who can draw newspaper quality sketches, which will represent (very) satirical blogs (which are intended to go viral through social media circles). We have had a few 'bites', but they either copied copyrighted stuff and claimed it as their own, vanished for no reason or provided substandard work. So if you know good people who can draw, paint, illustrate, sketch -- send them this way, please.
Linux Wallet will be compiled and tested, and we expect it to be available sometime tomorrow.
The Wounded U.S. Veteran who needs to raise $6,500 for a service dog (who is among us here, part of our community -- I haven't yet confirmed if he's ok with revealing his identity, but it will be released in time). While we don't yet have a direct Legacy/old world <--> USDe currency exchange, the idea to use Ebay to create an auction to auction off USDe would be a great exposure-generating means of reaching this goal. It could, with some luck, reach the mainstream media. If you have good ideas to contribute, please share & e-mail
[email protected]. Meanwhile, please look at Placebo's posting and donate as much as you can. We have to pick a number, perhaps 500k to be auctioned off at $6,500...?
4) We are ramping up our
social media outreach efforts on all fronts, even though we haven't yet published the content we are aiming to distribute. Today was an interesting day in terms of USDe's value & the huge trading volumes at a (beta) coinmarket.io exchange, but this is just a beginning! Again, just to reiterate, we as developers and stakeholders have no interest in selling off any of our USDe assets, as each USDe that we spend wisely and strategically will help to bring all of us closer to reaching our collective goals. The goal isn't to dump, but to educate the public about the insanely unfair system we are living in. We will be counting heavily on this community to contribute to a lot of causes and efforts, since we're at about 170 Million USDe mined as of this moment.
5) Hit,
onion.com-style satire pieces are trickling in and are being edited as we speak to get them ready for publishing. Our goal will be to generate 10 to 15 unique articles per week, and for every article to reach as wide an audience as possible using social media marketing and campaigns.
6) We received a couple of e-mails today from our Web Site by
people who have never used cryptocurrency before! Exciting stuff, but the kinds of questions we received are mostly how do I use the wallet to _____. To that end, I will personally be working on dubbing a video that one of our members created to help newcomers. Separately, we will likely be launching some sort of a support platform, which will create tickets for inbound requests. This will help us organize things a bit better and provide an improved issue / question history tracking.
Exchanges -- I believe we have approached most of the larger exchanges to consider listing USDe. Please do your part and individually send them all messages on our coin's behalf. Every single vote and individual message will help bring us closer to getting listed. Now, as soon as we are listed, a lot of doors open to us, including coin payment processors. We have approached a handful and compiled a list of the ones we will be targeting ASAP.
Future future plans include potential logo redesign contest and re-branding, wallet re-skinning and creating an online wallet service, which will be initially seeded with a percentage of the Cryptographic Reserve. The wallet service will act similar to a physical online bank, which will provide USDe adopters with interest-earning savings accounts. The interest will be earned from a mini trading engine and applied automatically to saver's accounts, based on the length of time they want to keep their USDe locked (think CD, except with REAL value beating fiat inflation!)
Please read and contribute what you can.
Miners, we appreciate you, do not leave us or go away. Your hashpower and electricity will not be wasted.
That's all for now. Happy Sunday coming up! GO USDe!!!