At what voltage would the chips be ruined if not actually mining and producing heat, such as with the chainminer process shut down? Is .895v where it just gets too hot, or where stuff starts shorting internally?
Sometimes graphite changes resistance after several hours of hashing in high temps. When voltages gets over 0.880 (measured between caps) on regular H-cards, they start to slow down. After 0.900V they slow down even further (5-15 ghs per card), until they shutdown completely. In my setup cards shutdown immediately when fired up over 0.950V. At one time I was able to measure 1.028V! The card shut down but after "repenciling" it got back to hashing as always :-)
Also there are differences between cards, I got one that runs ok. even at 0.930V.
I've got one 12 cards to experiment on. Second rig runs currently untouched.
EDIT: I have heatsinks on back of all boards in regulator area, and 120 CFM fans!